~140~ Full Victorian House

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Taylor's POV

It's been several weeks since Liam has been back at the firehouse. That was a good day. Keegan used to be the soul of the firehouse, now it's Liam. The cheers that erupted when he walked in that first shift were deafening. Greene and Diego even got him a cake and balloons. They were trying to make it cheesy, but it actually turned out pretty cool.

Mason and I are still awkward around each other. I'm getting really mad, because my hatred for him is gone. I really have been clinging onto it hard, but it's not there anymore. I'm honestly having trouble even disliking him. He's done several things lately that have impressed me. Nobody knows this, though. I'm not ready for him to know that I don't dislike him.

Sasha has honestly never been happier. She is starting to lose her sneaky and selfish characteristics. She has been putting his needs before hers. It's refreshing to see.

I'm off today so I'm doing some cleaning for Ellie. She never complains, but I know that all the housework, on top of her job, is a lot. I do what I can to help her.

It's 3:30 and Ellie and Mason walk in. Luke has football and Emma has yearbook.

"Hey baby" Ellie says as she kisses me.

I hug her back and nuzzle into her hair. I never realize how much I miss this little thing until she comes back to me. I wish my mom could have met her. That's my one regret. I regret that I didn't meet her when I was a teenager. My mom would have loved her.

Mason sighs quietly and sits down at the table.

"You ok?" Ellie asks, going to the kitchen and looking at him.

"Yeah. I've got so much grading to do, it's going to take me all night" he complains.

She chuckles. "Our rule of doing homework at the table doesn't apply to you" she laughs.

He laughs back. "I know. I always graded at the table at my house. Otherwise I would just watch TV and get nothing done. Plus, the activity down here is fun" he says with a smile.

"Good. This is your home and we want you to be comfortable" she says, giving him a hug.

He smiles back and I can see him look at me out of the corner of his eye. "Thanks, Ellie. I'm getting there" he says as he opens up his book.

"Have you heard from Josie and Dylan lately?" She asks as she gets out a couple of sodas.

He sighs and shakes his head, accepting the soda she gives to him.

"No. My dad won't let me talk to them. He changed their numbers and won't give them to me" he says, hiding how upset he is.

"Your mom won't give them to you?" She asks, sighing as she sits down.

"No. Dad said he would start buying her new clothes again if she agreed to keep them from me. She agreed" he says darkly.

"You keep giving her your entire paycheck and she won't even let you talk to your brother and sister?" I ask before I can keep my mouth shut.

He looks at me and nods sadly. "They're still my brother and sister, and they still need the money. Dad won't even buy them groceries" he says, taking a sip of his soda.

"You can't fight for custody?" I ask, sick to my stomach.

He shakes his head. "They're the parents. He's loaded. I live with my girlfriend's parents and I have a kid on the way. No judge in their right mind would give me custody" he says, defeated.

I just nod and say nothing else. What a crappy situation.

A few minutes later, there's a knock on the door. I go and open it.

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