~48~ Press Charges

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Ellie's POV

The moment Taylor gets out of his chair is the moment that I know he's gone. Normal Taylor is gone, and the Hulk mode is on. This kid doesn't stand a chance, even with Taylor's cuffs on.

Everything happens at once. It happens so quickly, yet it's almost going in slow motion. I see everything.

The same moment that Taylor is out of his chair, he knocks the chair over and it crashes into the filing cabinet. Mason flinches. He knows pain is coming.

Alex reacts in the same moment. Even though he's six inches from Taylor, he's not fast enough to grab him. Taylor is out of his chair and is literally leaping over mine in an instant. I don't know how he did it, since we're all in such close proximity, but he never touches me at all. In all honesty, I should have been badly hurt the way he just spazzed out.

He lands on his left foot, and slams his right knee into Mason's stomach... Kneeing him hard. Mason lets out a grunt as his breath is knocked out of him.

Taylor steadies himself, and then kicks Mason's chair as hard as he can, breaking three of the legs. The chair collapses, along with Mason. Mason is now on the floor, holding his stomach. Before Taylor can can swing his leg back to kick him, Alex literally tackles him to the ground.

The other cop is over there in an instant, and they're both restraining him. Alex has his knee in between Taylor's shoulder blades, pushing him deeper into the ground.

The other cop has his knee over Taylor's legs and is sitting on him. This lunatic is still trying to fight them off of him, even with the damn cuffs on. And the insane part is, he's winning. He gets the cop off of his legs, and he's almost got Alex completely off of him too.

Alex curses under his breath and then grabs Taylor up roughly by the arm and slams him against the door.

"Look at me. Damn it, Taylor, this isn't you. Quit," he yells, using his body weight to keep Taylor pinned. He's got his right arm across Taylor's chest, literally shaking trying to keep him there.

"You're out. I told you I wasn't playing. You just assaulted him, man. I've gotta take you to jail," he says, trying to sound harsh, but he's completely devastated. They're closer than friends. They're family.

"Nobody move!" Alex barks as he roughly grabs Taylor by the arms and opens the door, pulling him out and slamming the door shut.

It's dead quiet. Mason is still sitting on the floor, holding his stomach. I'm wondering if Taylor got a rib. He's holding his side more than his stomach. I get up and go over to him, getting on my knees. Lance is tense as he's trying to decide if I'm taking over for Taylor.

"Can I check your rib?" I ask, looking at him hard. He grimaces in pain and silently nods. I lean over and lift up his shirt, feeling the area carefully. He groans slightly when I press on the area that's bothering him. I feel around for another minute before I look at him.

"Your rib could be broken. It's probably pretty bruised, though. It might have a small crack; You probably should get an X-ray," I say, looking at him hard.

He just nods as Lance comes over and helps him up. He and the other cop grab another chair from against the wall, and help him sit down. He's hurting. Bad.

It's quiet for several more minutes. I just put my elbows on my knees and rest my head in my hands. I don't move from that spot until I hear the door open again.


Taylor's POV

I'm still seeing red. Having two men slam me down should have hurt, but I felt nothing. Nothing but hatred and rage. I've never felt such rage before.

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