***~112~ Shock***

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Emma's POV

I'm laying here, with Trace on top of me. I have no idea how long it's been. Minutes...Hours...Days...it doesn't matter. Nothing matters anymore. This is the last time I will ever feel Trace on me. After this is over, they will put him in the ground. Never again will I have him next to me.

I can't even think about what this will do to Luke. I think I will lose my brother too after this. If he isn't dead already. What if I'm the only one who survives this? What if it's just me and dad alone in the big house? This will kill Savannah. That poor baby has already been through more devastation in her life at 9 than most people ever will in their entire life. She might not come back from this either...which will destroy Liam. My life as I know it is over.

Suddenly I hear footsteps. He's back. I think about opening my eyes and letting him kill me, but that isn't what Trace would want. He wanted me to live. He sacrificed himself for me, the least I can do is not let him die in vain.

I close my eyes and hold my breath again.

"NO!!! Emma! Trace!" I hear a voice sob. I immediately open my eyes and see Uncle Alex.

"Emma?!!" He asks as he bends down.

"You hurt?" He asks me, crying. He knows Trace is dead too.

"Not my blood" I whisper.

"Listen to me. Your dad and Liam are waiting outside for you. I'm going to take you. I'm going to carry Trace, and you're going to be behind me. Can you do that?" He asks, seriously.

I just nod.

"Ok" he says as he lifts Trace up and slings him over his shoulder. The amount of strength that took was impressive.

Once he has Trace situated, he reaches out his hand for me.

"Come on, Emma Kate. I'm taking you to your dad. If the shooter comes back, you stay behind me, hear me?" He asks

I just nod.

He talks into his radio.

"I've got two. Coming out now" he says

"Copy Detective" the voice responds. The volume is turned down so low, I can hardly hear it.

He grabs my hand and keeps me behind him. He walks extremely slow...looking at everything all at once. Every step he takes is meticulous...Calculated. It's weird seeing Uncle Alex like this. He knows what he's doing.

He stops and checks around the corner before we go down the next hall. We finally get to the door and I can immediately breathe. Just for a second though. Soon Wes is going to learn that his son is dead. Right now everyone but me is in a bubble of ignorance. I wish I was back in that bubble. I wish I still had hope.

We get to the grass and Uncle Alex still has a hold of me. Protectively shielding me while carrying Trace. I immediately see dad. His face is a mixture of relief and complete devastation. I can't even look at Wes, but I see that he has fallen to the ground.

Paramedics rush over and Alex puts Trace on a gurney.

Dad is holding Wes. Wes is inconsolable. Wes makes his way to the ambulance and dad comes over to me. I've never seen my dad cry so hard. He holds me tight and picks me up. He just silently holds me as he cries into my neck. I can feel his hot tears on my skin.

He finally puts me down and looks at me, still sobbing.

"Where are you hurt, baby?" He asks, inspecting me.

"Not my blood" I say. "Trace saved my life. He's dead" I say as I crumple to the ground. Dad catches me and picks me up and holds me like a baby. He and Liam surround me, and sob. I can't cry. Crying takes effort....Emotion. I'm just an empty shell. Crying means I have feeling. I have nothing. I am nothing.
Ellie's POV

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