~115~ My Buddy

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Ellie's POV

It's been a month, and we're back in school. The school was shut down for two weeks. We've had all the kids in therapy, trying to help them work through their emotions. I even went myself a couple times, because Taylor was adamant.

Things are starting to get back to normal...As normal as they can. Things are VERY strained between Missy and the three guys. Nick won't even talk to her. I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt. We all react to things differently.

I go and sit down in the cafeteria at lunch today. I honestly haven't been in the lounge since it happened. I just need to be at the table right now. Something happened between all of us that day. A bond was formed.

Nick and Mason are talking about going to the gym tonight. "Ellie, which one does your brother own?" Nick asks.

"Freeman Fitness" I say with a smile.

"Yup, that's the one I was telling you about. It's awesome, you'll like it" he says to Mason, nodding.

"I'm heading there at 4:30 to kick box with him. Maybe I'll see ya there" I say with a smile.

Missy sits down with her food just then. "See them where?" She asks

Nick immediately tenses up and ignores her.
Mason doesn't say anything either.

"I'm going to my brother's gym this afternoon" I say, taking a bite of my salad.

"Cool. Maybe I'll join you guys. I haven't had a workout in ages" she says with a smile.

Nick shakes his head in disgust and takes another bite of his burger.

"What's your problem, Chase?" She asks with an attitude.

"Don't come at me, Missy" he says darkly.

"What the hell did I do to you?" She asks, raising her voice.

"Missy, lower your voice before you cause a scene" Lance says darkly.

"I've literally done nothing. He's the one with an attitude" she snaps back.

"Lana, Sasha said the new art project is cool. Are you guys really making clay pots?" I ask, trying to change the subject. Thankfully it works, and Missy and I start talking to Lana about that the rest of lunch.

When I get home I go upstairs and start getting ready for the gym. I get downstairs and start rushing.

"Babe, can I have your keys?" I ask Taylor when I get to the kitchen.

"For what?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

"My car is almost out of gas" I say

He chuckles. "So fill it up, you dork" he says.

"I don't have time. I'm running late. You seriously won't give me your keys?" I ask, getting annoyed.

"Eleanor, you're my heart and soul...But baby, somehow your driving is getting even worse" he says, completely serious.

I just glare at him.

He sighs and hangs his head in defeat. He already knows he's gonna lose this battle.

"Look into my eyes and promise me that you won't hurt my Mustang. I need promises, Ellie" he says dramatically.

"You're being insulting" I say, getting offended.

"Ellie, I love my car. My car and me, we're buddies. Please don't hurt my buddy" he says, seriously.

"I'm running late" I say, stomping my foot.

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