~168~ Cheeseburger

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Ellie's POV

I'm sick of being babysat and I'm getting cranky. I haven't been allowed to do anything. Taylor even carries me to the bathroom. It's getting absolutely ridiculous.

"Taylor, just let me go pee" I snap after I start to stand and he grabs my waist.

"Sure, I'll take you" he says calmly.

"No. They gave me crutches for a reason"

"And if you fall?" He asks, still calmly.

"I won't"

"Ellie, you also said you wouldn't fall on the counter. You, my sweet wife, are clumsy"

"You, my ass husband, are a pain"

Taylor chuckles and shakes his head.

"I'm ready for you to go on shift tomorrow" I mutter under my breath.

"Well that's not very nice" he says. I think that hurt his feelings a little.

"I'm sick of the hovering. It's been three days"

"Well, just because I won't be here, doesn't mean I'm letting you be here alone. Alex is going to stay with you until Mason and Luke get home" he says, bracing for my wrath.

"He has to work"

"He took the day off" Taylor says, not even looking at me.

"You did NOT make him use a vacation day" I'm about to throw a fit.

"He's looking forward to it. He told me it's been ages since you two got to hang out all day alone."

"Well that's true, but if he thinks he's helping me go to the bathroom, he's insane."

Taylor chuckles. "I'm sure it's nothing he hasn't seen before"

"TAYLOR" I snap.

He snorts and rolls his eyes. "I'm kidding. He will leave when you go. I'm the only one that gets the pleasure of watching you pee," he laughs.

I'm not amused.

The next morning Alex gets here and he's brought me breakfast. My favorite from McDonalds...Biscuits and gravy with a hash brown and a large coke.

"Here El," he says, kissing my cheek.

"Where's ours?" Taylor jokes.

"Sorry. When you tear your ACL I'll buy you a biscuit, Preston" Alex laughs.

Taylor comes over and kisses me hard. "You better be a good girl, young lady"

"Yes sir" I say sweetly.

He rolls his eyes and looks at Alex. "If she gets out of line, cuff her."

He laughs. "Wouldn't be the first time I've cuffed her, but that was for an entirely different reason."

Taylor closes his eyes for a second and smirks. "Didn't need to know that dude" he says, punching Alex on the shoulder lightly.

Alex comes over to me and sits next to me, taking a sip of my coke.

"Back off, I thought this was mine" I say, shooing him.

"We're sharing. Give me some of that blanket, ya hog" he says as he grabs the remote and gets comfy.

"Thanks for doing this," I say after a minute.

"Thanks for taking a day off to sit and watch movies all day with my best friend? Um....you're welcome," he says, kissing my cheek.

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