~173~ I'm Ready

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Sasha's POV

I take Mason's hand and we go upstairs. I'm crying so hard by the time we get up there that I'm having trouble breathing. He silently pulls me into him and pulls us to the couch. He holds me, rubbing my back, while I sob into his shoulder. I have completely drenched his sweater.

I finally look at him, and seeing his concerned, beautiful face brings another fresh wave of tears.

He wipes away my tears and whispers into my ear.

"Please tell me, baby. I'm dying over here" he says, kissing my cheek.

I nod and take a deep breath. "How many woman have you been with?" I ask.

That takes him by surprise. This was the last thing he expected me to say. I've never asked him this before. I've never wanted to know before.

I can tell he's counting in his head. Great. It's so many that he has to count.

"Four, including you" he says, waiting for my response.

"That's it?" I ask, shocked. I figured that number would have been a lot higher.

He looks at me like I'm crazy and shakes his head. "Sash, what's wrong?" He asks me, losing his patience.

I sniff and wipe my eyes. "Your dad came to see me today at school" I say, starting to cry again.

"HE WHAT?!?" Mason asks, absolutely enraged. He's so mad he's starting to shake.

"What did he say to you, Sasha?" He asks me. He's so mad that his voice is barely above a whisper.

"He told me that this is what you do. You find the hottest girl you can, play with her for a little bit, and then when you're bored you destroy her. He saw that I was pregnant and he chuckled. He said 'Man that kid works fast. Hope you're ready to be a single mom'" I say as I start sobbing again.

Mason stands up and kicks the mini fridge so hard that it dents. He can't even talk for a moment he's so mad. Then he comes up to me and has tears streaming down. He bends down, putting his knees on the floor, and grabs my hands.

"Sasha Jane, you need to listen to me right now. Are you listening?" He asks in a stern voice.

I just nod, wiping my eyes.

"My first time was with a girl in my class when I was 16. I dated her for two years. She left me the moment we graduated so she could date college guys. I met someone in college and I dated her for four years. She broke up with me when she found a guy who was becoming a lawyer. Then there as Lana. I slept with her off and on ever since I started working at the school. I ended things with her the night I got back from that competition weekend. Then you. Lana is the only one I ever ended things with, and Sasha, she's a slut. She was sleeping with another teacher too, so she wasn't even upset when I ended things with her. Everybody else had broken my heart. I will never leave you...Do you hear me?" He asks, cupping my face.

I nod as the tears fall again.

"What else did he say to you?" He asks after a minute.

I sigh and sniff. "He said that he's doing something wrong, because all of his kids are losers. Then he made some sick remark about me seeing what being with a real man was like" I shutter. His dad was eyeing me up and down extremely heavily.

"You're joking" Mason says, his voice is terrifying.

I just shake my head.

"Baby, I'm so sorry" he says, starting to cry.

I hug him, and we just silently cry together. We stay upstairs the rest of the night. We don't even come down for dinner.
Ellie's POV

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