~160~ Snake

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Ellie's POV

We get home from school and Mason groans.

"I don't know why I do this crap to myself. I was excited about the project I assigned a month ago. I always forget that I have to grade them" he says, putting his MOUND of papers down on the table.

"Dang. That's a lot of work" I say, staring at the papers.

"This is just from one class" he says, shaking his head.

"You're kidding"

"Nope." He says as he plops down on the chair.

"How did you grade the replica project that time that Sasha's got destroyed?"

He chuckles. "I had to stay at school and do them. It took me days."

I just nod.

"I was so pissed at you for considering to fail her for that" I laugh.

He nods. "I'm a hard teacher. You wouldn't believe how many excuses parents give me for their kids not doing their project. But, I did reevaluate my standards after that. Things do happen and I have to take that into consideration" he says, getting out a pen.

"Sucked hers got destroyed. Those pictures were sweet. It would have been cool to have seen it in person" he says, getting the first stack out.

"Is that just for one student?" I ask, gasping.

He smirks and nods.

"You really are a hard-ass. I thought Luke was just being a baby."

He laughs loudly and nods. "Yeah. I'm a hard-ass" he agrees.

"Well, sir, enjoy your night of grading" I say, handing him a Pepsi. He's going to need it.

Luke comes in then, acting really weird. He's looking all over for something.

"What's wrong buddy?"

"Nothing" he says quickly. Too quickly.

"Lucas, what did you do?"

"Nothing" he says, still looking all around. Finally he just silently goes in the other room.

"He's acting weird, right?" I ask Mason.

He just nods.

"Any ideas"

He just silently shakes his head.

I turn on some music (I've already confirmed with Mason that it doesn't bother him) and throw a load of laundry in. Then I start on dinner.

"Lasagna or Chicken Parmesan?" I ask him.

He thinks for a second.

"Chicken Parmesan" he smiles.

I nod and start cooking.

I'm cooking for a bit when I reach in and grab a pot that I'm needing. I let out a blood curdling scream and throw the pot down.

Mason is over to me in an instant, looking panicked.

"What's wrong?" He asks, totally spooked.

I can't even get the words out. My heart is pumping too hard. I just point. He follows my finger and finally sees what I do. He immediately starts chuckling and bends down to pick the horrifying thing up.

"Where do you think it came from?" He asks, holding it in his hands. His voice is off. He doesn't sound surprised.

"I've got a pretty good idea" I say, rushing to the stairs and yelling up them.

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