~163~ Parenting Sucks

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Taylor's POV

I'm furious. Wes and I cut our trip short because we're both so angry. Our boys are jack-wagons sometimes.

We get in the house and Wes immediately sees Trace and glares at him. Trace immediately starts shifting. He's nervous. "How's your butt feel?" Wes asks.

"It hurts, sir" he says, embarrassed. Emma is sitting right there.

"Well that sucks for you. You're getting it again when we get home" he says darkly.

Trace let's out a disgusted noise and shakes his head.
"Man, Luke. I'm pissed at you" he snaps.

"Don't bite his head off. There's been many times he's gotten it because of you" Wes says, raising his voice.

Trace nods and punches Luke lightly on the shoulder.

"Sorry, Trace" Luke says quietly. Sadly.

"Eh, whatever. I'm good. See you Monday, guys" he says as he stands up and comes over to Wes.

"No you don't. "Freeman, you down here?" Wes asks, raising his voice.

Ellie comes out of the office after a second.

"I'm sorry, Freeman. I'm so sorry. He's in big trouble" Wes says simply.

"Apologize" Wes says darkly.

"I already did" Trace says

"I'm sorry, what?" Wes snaps."

Trace sighs and shakes his head. "I'm sorry, Ellie. We were being stupid" he says.

"Thanks Trace" Ellie says. She's still mad.

They leave and I just silently glare at Luke. I'm so mad at him I have to decide what to do first.

"I'm going to go take a shower. You don't move. Hear me?" I ask.

He just nods. I go over and touch Ellie's cheek lightly with my thumb. I know she won't want a hug until I've showered.

"I'm sorry. I'll take care of this" I say simply as I go and take my shower.

Once I'm done I go to the attic and knock on the door. Sasha answers.

"Hey darling. Mason here?" I ask. She nods and steps out of the way. He's playing the Nintendo Switch.

"Getting better at Mario Kart?" I chuckle.

"Not really. She still kicks my ass" he smiles.

"Thanks for taking care of that, Mason. I'm so mad" I say, shaking my head.

He just shrugs. "I didn't do anything. He wasn't listening to me anyways" he says, annoyed.

"Yeah, well I aim to fix that. You still got the snake away from her and then went and got Alex. Thank you" I say sincerely. He just nods and gives me a small smile. He's still upset about the situation. I don't blame him.

I go back downstairs and find Ellie. She's in the office doing bills. I grab her wrist gently and pull her up and into me. "I'm sorry, baby girl" I say, kissing her hair. She says nothing. She's mad at me again, that's fantastic.

"You ok?" I ask, looking at her.

"I'm peachy" she says darkly. I just nod. She's really mad at me.

"Drake is taking Manny" I tell her quietly.

"Ok" she says simply.

"Is that all you're going to say?" I ask.

She looks at me hard. "You left me out of all of this from the beginning, Taylor. You decided he could have it without talking to me. You spent who knows how much money on all the stuff. You snuck him in our home and had everyone sneak around behind my back. You didn't care about my feelings at all and you overruled me. So, fine. Get rid of him, don't get rid of him, it's obvious you're in charge. You and Luke, apparently. He's been an ass to me ever since you told him he could keep it. Like I'm beneath him or something. I'm just really feeling like shit right now. So, do whatever you want to do." She says, biting her lip to fight the tears that are about to start falling.

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