~158~ Christmas Day

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Ellie's POV

It's Christmas!!!!!!!! My most favorite day out of the entire year. It's only 5:30 am, but I've been up since 4. My family should happy that I'm so considerate.

I get on top of Taylor and start jumping on him.

"Get up, you lazy man" I tease, kissing his ear.

He mumbles into the pillow and shakes his head.

"How early is it this year?" He asks. His eyes are still shut and his voice is still thick with sleep.

"5:30" I smirk

"Eleanor, you need spanked" he says. I know he's not mad, he's just half asleep still.

"I wanna see what Santa brought" I say. I pull the covers off of him and smack his butt. Even though I buy him Christmas pajamas, he doesn't sleep in them. He's in a pair of boxers, and I accidentally swatted him harder than I meant to.

"Ouch, woman. I said you needed spanked, not me" he says, opening his eyes and glaring at me.

"I wanna see want Santa brought" I say again.

He finally cracks a smile as he grabs me and pulls me into him.

"I don't understand how someone so cute can be such a pest" he says, kissing me roughly.

"Get your Christmas pajamas back on and go make me a fire, mister" I say, pointing my finger at him.

"7 am. That's an acceptable time to get up on Christmas. 5:30 am is not. You're not going up to the attic and waking them up" he says sternly.

"Oh yes I am. Mason was already warned last night not to wear anything to bed that he didn't want me to see" I say, smirking. This is definitely crossing over boundaries, but I don't care. It's Christmas.

"You didn't" Taylor asks, horrified.

"Yup" I say, smiling.

"Eleanor Preston, they're adults. You can't barge into their room" he says, arguing.

I get up and do a little dance. "They had fair warning" I say as I do a sashay out of the room. I hear Taylor chuckling behind me.

I head up to the attic first. Maybe I really shouldn't go up there. Oh well. I really did warn them both last night. I go in and breathe a sigh of relief when they are both wearing their Christmas pajamas. They must have taken my warning seriously.

They are sleeping soundly when I go and jump on their bed. Mason immediately wakes up, startled.

I smack Sasha on the butt and shake her gently.

"Sasha Jane, get your butt up, young lady" I say, kissing her cheek.

"Momma" she says, unamused.

"Man I thought you were kidding" Mason says, rubbing his eyes. His voice is thick with sleep too.

"I don't kid about Christmas Mason...huh, I don't know your middle name" I say, surprised that I don't.

He chuckles sleepily... "Andrew" he says, still half asleep.

"I don't kid about Christmas, Mason Andrew...get up!" I say, still jumping slightly.

"If we get up will you leave?" Sasha asks, annoyed.

"Yup" I say, smirking.

"Fine" she grumbles

"K, I'll leave. I still have to get Emma and Luke up. Liam is lucky this year. This is the first year he doesn't get trampled on" I say, chuckling as I rush out of the room.

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