Heroes Rising - Chapter 7: The Girl Who Cried Wolf

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(starting now, everyone is in their hero costumes and they don't change out of them unless stated)

3rd Person POV

"I leave for a few minutes and you've already snatched my fucking phone."

Miku walked into the lounging area with her arms crossed tightly over her chest, having just come back from tidying up both her and Vanessa's rooms. Bakugo laid on the couch scrolling through his girlfriend's phone with a rather annoyed look on his face.

"I regret giving you my password." "HaHA! You should." Bakugo snickered with a large grin as he continued scrolling on the screen. She finally leaned over and snatched her phone back. Bakugo quickly sat up with a growl as she looked at the damage he had done.

To her surprise, he had apparently spent the last 10 minutes scrolling through her photos. "What the hell were you doing in my album??" She glared at him suspiciously in the corner of her eye, the sandy blond lying comfortably on the sofa like he did nothing wrong.

"Deleting all your dumb photos of me sleeping." He tsked, making her gasp loudly. "But you're cute when you're asleep!" "Am not." he growled. "Yes you are!" She snapped back with a cute squeal, "You're like an adorable little puppy!"

"I'm not an adorable little puppy!!" He shot up onto his feet, his fists clenched to his sides and his eyes fully white.

"Yes you are!" "No I'm not—!!"

Suddenly, one of the telephones started ringing. And Bakugo, being the closest to it, picked up the telephone with a loud sigh.

"Yeah, what? If it's something lame, I'm hanging—" "There's villains at the fishing harbour!" A loud and young feminine voice beamed through the speaker, and Bakugo held the telephone away from his ear with a closed eye, disliking the screeching in his ear. Having heard the mumbles from across the room, all that Miku could tell was that it was a little girl her boyfriend was talking to.

Once he realized who was calling the agency, Bakugo's eyes widened, "I know that voice... You're that kid from yesterday...!"

"Wait, Mahoro??" Miku gasped and tried to grab the telephone from Bakugo, but he dodged her effortlessly. He shoved the telephone back to his ear with a scowl, "Well nice try, but we're not falling for it this time, brat." "I'm not lying! I swear it's true, Bakugo!"

All of a sudden Midoriya came running into the building, clearly panicked, which distracted Bakugo and gave Miku the chance to finally snatch the phone from the sandy blond. "Hey—! Homura here!" "The fishing harbour—!"

... The call ended, and Miku stared at Midoriya in shock. "What did the person say?" He asked her, and she slowly turned to look at her partner.

"Katsuki..." She stared at him, the look in her amethyst eyes filled with both sternness and fear. "What did Mahoro say..."

"Mahoro?" Midoriya asked, which made Bakugo scoff as he crossed his arms, "Yeah. All she talked about was there being some villains again. Damn brat's definitely messing with us again."

"Katsuki, where did she say there were villains." Miku glared at him intensely, and he found himself shocked by the fact he was believing the liar so easily. He rolled his eyes—

She slapped him quickly behind the back of his head, her voice greatly raising in volume, "KATSUKI—!!" "THE FISHING HARBOUR, DAMMIT!"

A soft gasp left Midoriya's lips and it took him less than a second to rush out of the building. And just as he left, two other people walked into the lounge.

"What was that about?" Vanessa asked as she walked in with Todoroki beside her. They were concerned by all the commotion they could hear from the kitchen.

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