Chapter 116: The Hellish Todoroki Family

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Vanessa Freitas' POV

Endeavor led the four of us into the Todoroki estate. We all wore our U.A. uniforms—including our scarves—had on our backpacks/side book bags and carried our hero costume briefcases.

"So huge..." I heard Midoriya mumble in awe with the widest eyes, and I couldn't help but giggle at the nostalgia. "I know, it's huge right?" I elbowed him playfully. The green haired boy slowly looked at me with a look that easily read, 'How did you know my thoughts??' "I could tell by your face...!" I giggled with a gentle smile, "... Also, I heard you say it."

"My sister told us to come for dinner." Shoto told the two boys as he held his phone in his left hand. "WHYYYYYYY?!?! Bakugo screamed in pure fury with white eyes, probably— No, certainly waking up the entire neighbourhood.

"She wanted to have my friends and Vanessa over." Shoto casually replied rather cutely. "Go tell her now that we're not actually friends!!" Bakugo yelled again, rupturing my eardrums. "Kacchan!" Midoriya panicked, and I could tell he was embarrassed from his childhood friend's disrespectful attitude.

Once we reached the large front doors, Endeavor unlocked it and we were suddenly met with the best sister in the universe—Fuyumi~! She had on a black turtleneck sweater shirt, timberwolf grey jeans, white slippers, and her hair was in a ponytail. She also wore a light yellow apron with two light brown buttons, one under each sleeve strap.

"I know you're all super busy, but thanks for coming!" She exclaimed super happily with a bright smile, leaning forward slightly with her arms behind her back, her eyes closed, and a pink blush on her cheeks, "I'm Shoto's sister, Fuyumi. It's great to meet both of you! And thanks for looking out for him—!"

Now that Fuyumi had opened her eyes, she noticed me among the crowd of males—making my heart skip a beat—and a gasp left her lips. "Ah—! Vanessa~!" Fuyumi squealed with a face full of pure excitement. She ran up to me and jumped onto me in a bone-crushing hug, "Oh, it's so great to see you!" I chuckled as I hugged her back, "It's great to see you too, Fuyumi...!"

Once we released the hug, I took off my uniform dress coat, just like the boys did, and hung it up on the coat rack beside theirs, along with our scarves. Meanwhile, Fuyumi bent down to grab something before she held out a pair of emerald green slippers to me, "Here, I bought slippers for you! I got them in an emerald colour because Shoto never stops going on and on about your eyes! He says they're his favourite part about your appearance." She said the last part with a smirk, and my face turned red.

"It's true..." I heard Shoto mumble with a pink blush. I couldn't help but giggle at his cuteness as I took off my stylish black high-top boots and put on my new emerald slippers.

I warmly smiled at the older girl, "Thanks Fuyu. You're the absolute sweetest." "Aww— Thanks Nessa, but I think you are!" Her face now calmed as she smiled warmly, "Shoto opens up to us and smiles so much more often ever since you two got together...!" "O-Oh, um..." I stuttered with, again, a prominent red blush, feeling quite embarrassed, "... You're welcome...?"

Fuyumi cutely giggled before turning to face Midoriya and Bakugo who already had their guest slippers on, "Anyways, sorry for inviting everyone on such short notice! I really appreciate all of you coming!" "Whyyyyyyy..." Bakugo growled, hiding behind the wall beside Endeavor. "My pleasure! I rarely get invited to friends' homes!" Midoriya happily replied.

"Natsuo's here too?" Shoto suddenly asked his sister, eyeing the shoes next to the front door, "I saw his shoes. He's not with Abiko?" "The whole family wants to hear how you four are doing." Fuyumi smiled warmly before becoming even more bubbly, "Besides, Chinatsu's spending the night with her sister...!"

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