Chapter 53: Who Is the Enemy?

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3rd Person POV

"We are here... to apologize."

Mr. Aizawa had spoken up sternly, and those five words shook his seven students to their cores. "A recent incident allowed harm to come to 26 first year heroes. And we staff were ill prepared. We take responsibility for any trauma caused by our negligence. It's our duty to train heroes, but also to protect heroes in training." The staff bowed as pictures were taken of them at the conference.

"This is crazy...!" Kirishima exclaimed, the entire group in shock. "Yeah, they probably know Mr. Aizawa hates being on TV." Vanessa worriedly added, staring into the stern eyes of their teacher.

"I'll take the first question." A random reporter spoke up, "Since the beginning of the year, U.A. students have had four encounters with villains. This time, there were students who were gravely injured. How did you explain this to their families? And what are some of the specific steps you're taking to ensure their safety in the future?"

Aizawa stood silent with a stern look on his face. He didn't dare to move nor blink. "This is bad." Vanessa eyed Miku, who quickly paid attention. "I bet they know what U.A.'s basic position is right now because they continued on with the Sports Festival like nothing happened at the USJ."

At the reporter's words, Vanessa grunted, clenching her fists to her chest. "They know what they're doing." Miku gritted her teeth with a growl in return, "They're just trying to make them look bad..."

Midoriya clenched his fists at his sides in both shock and anger. "They're treating them like... villains." "When the real ones are out there and have Katsuki—!" Miku burst back at Midoriya, her teeth grinding harder against each other. But before she could continue, Vanessa grabbed her hand. She stared at the ground with hatred and sadness in her eyes, hushing softly, "People are just selfish. They don't care for other people. Only for themselves and their money." The brunette then glanced up to her best friend, "That's why there's us heroes."

At her words, Miku couldn't help but smile in return. Vanessa pulled Miku back to her side so she could face the TV.

Principal Nezu was now the one speaking, "We will increase patrols around the school grounds, and review security measures within the school." His face held no cheer like it usually did. "The safety of U.A.'s students is our main priority, make no mistake about it."

Suddenly, the other civilians around the students began to talk negatively about U.A. and heroes in general. The mood was changing very quickly, and this scared the seven.

People were turning against heroes.

If they didn't save Bakugo and do something about the situation, it was just going to get worse.

The conference continued like normal until another reporter spoke up, "You spoke about keeping the students safe, Eraser Head. But according to our information, you encouraged them to fight during the attack on the training camp, putting them in grave danger." the reporter glanced up from his sheet. "What was your reasoning for this?"

Aizawa leaned forward into his microphone, "I concluded that because we didn't know the full situation. Allowing them to use their Quirks would help avoid the worst possible outcome." "And what would that outcome be?" the reporter fired back. "Do you think 26 victims and one kidnapped child is a win for U.A. High?"

Miku gritted her teeth at the mention of her boyfriend. Vanessa quickly noticed this change in behaviour and was quick to rub her back to calm her down.

"I assure you that things could have gone much more poorly. I feared every student would be tortured and killed in the end." Aizawa responded rather calmly. Principal Nezu continued for him, "Most of the victims were harmed by the gas attack. We've determined it to be the result of a poisonous Quirk used by one of the villains. It's thanks to the quick actions of Ms. Kendo and Mr. Tetsutetsu that injuries were kept to a bare minimum." Vanessa heard herself gasp out loud as she thought to herself, So that's who stopped the gas attack, huh?

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