Heroes Rising - Chapter 10: The One You Pushed Away

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3rd Person POV

The serpents managed to avoid their strikes and slammed them against the rocky mountain wall. The two struggled to get up, but they managed, both panting as blood dripped down their faces.

However, it was too late... because Katsuma shrieked and Mahoro covered her eyes in fear when the serpents captured them in their mouths and shoved them back into the rocky wall...

Midoriya gasped when the serpent crumbled into nothing before it could break his bones once again, "What's happening...?"

A loud cry rang through everyone's ears.

There stood Nine, head in his hands as he yelled in utter agony.

... The moment they had waited for.

All their fighting... had led up to this moment.

"That's it! He's reached his limit!" Midoriya exclaimed while Bakugo grinned crazily. "Now, Kacchan— We'll attack in waves!" "Don't give me orders!" Bakugo spat back as the two childhood friends ran towards their weakened enemy.

However, what they hadn't noticed was Nine injecting something into him through his back as his mask dropped to the floor.

His eyes glowed red, and purple energy physically coursed through his veins. With a deadly scream, he looked towards the sky and summoned a thunderstorm, striking down Midoriya and Bakugo while he protected himself with—you guessed it—his oh-so wonderful shield. Fortunately, Shoji used his dupli-arms to protect his classmates and the kids. With them in his arms, the four students stood up from the ground, and Vanessa was fortunate enough to have landed on her butt.

"Are they okay?!" Katsuma panicked. "What happened...?" Mahoro dared to ask, her voice filled with complete and utter fear. "Mr. Deku!!" Katsuma cried, then Mahoro, "Bakugo!!" each with tears in their eyes.

Kyoka sharply gasped when she spotted someone coming their way through the binoculars made for her by her best friend...

Nine was approaching them... and Midoriya and Bakugo were nowhere in sight.

"Shoji, Freitas, take Katsuma and Mahoro and go." Ojiro told them, but Vanessa was very hesitant. "But what about you guys—?!" "Please just do it." Kyoka looked her close friend in the eyes, sternness in her onyx eyes, "Trust us, V."

With shaky breaths, Vanessa forced a nod before she grabbed her drawing pencil and board from the back of her belt and used her Quirk. Emerald sparks flew off her drawing board and onto her back, creating her jetpack drawing strapped to her back. "Ready, Shoji?" She turned to him, who quickly nodded with a, "Yeah."

She threw her crutches to the floor and quickly flew after Shoji, who had leapt over the tall stone wall with his dupli-arms as he carried the children in his arms. After running for about a minute, they found the escape route but then Shoji had to block a purple beam with his arm, causing him to bleed.

Shoji turned his back to Nine, taking all those hits from him. He ended up dropping the kids as he struggled to get back up, "Don't stop! Keep moving!" He begged the kids, but all they could do was sit there in fear.

"You two have to get out of here!" Kyoka desperately yelled as she blasted soundwaves from her boots at Nine, who blocked it with his shield. "Don't look back!" Ojiro shouted. "Go, Freitas!" Shoji added as the two prepared to fight him. Vanessa was on strict order to not fight, and she didn't want to break her promise to any of her classmates... but mainly to Midoriya.

She swooped down and grabbed the kids in her arms while Nine blasted the three away with his shield covering him completely.

Vanessa gasped, tears filling her emerald eyes. Without thinking, she placed the kids back on the floor and flew over to Nine.

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