Chapter 107: Win by Saving

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3rd Person POV

"Oh, your backs are up against the wall...!" Monoma taunted as he walked up to Class 1-A, "Class A and B both have one win! If you lose or draw, then you can't win anymore!" He swayed back and forth before obnoxiously cackling. "They're like sudden fits, huh..." Kaminari groaned a sigh, eyeing the blond weirdly.

"Oh, I've been looking forward to this fourth match...! Why? Because Tokage's in it! Right, Bakugo?!" Monoma yelled with a crazy-mad grin, but that only earned him a tsk from the sandy blond and an eye roll from Miku.

"All right, let's go...!" Tokage announced to her three male teammates with a toothy smile, a hand on her waist and the other twirling her hair. She was one of the two recommendation students in Class 1-B. From afar, Midoriya clutched his notebook tighter, naturally worrying about his childhood friend.

"Good luck, Miku!" Vanessa gave her best friend a big smile. "Thanks. I'm actually kinda nervous." Miku glanced away in embarrassment, crossing her arms. The brunette curiously raised an eyebrow, "Umm, how come?"

Miku chuckled nervously before meeting Vanessa's curious eyes, "I've never been on a team with Katsuki for school-arranged battles... and that scares me."

Vanessa stared at her best friend in complete shock, yet she snickered and laughed it off, "Pft— Don't worry! You two are an amazing team already! How bad can this possibly be?"


"Listen up, you underlings!"

Yup, bad... Miku chuckled nervously in her head, an anxious grin filling her lips.

Bakugo pointed from Kyoka to Sato to Sero, but then stopped at Sero. He didn't point at Yui? The other three thought in wonder, glancing over at the girl who looked very panicked. "Just follow me! I'll take the lead and head upward. You guys just get ready to support me...!" He now pointed at all four of his teammates.

"Ears!" He directly pointed at Kyoka, causing her to flinch, "Make sure you keep listening for the positions of the small fry!" "It's Jiro, not 'Ears'!" Kyoka whined in response.

"Are you going to attack, Bakugo? The other team has people who specialize in counterattacks." Sero spoke up with a hand to his chest, before looking over to the rockstar, "Since we've got Jiro, why not wait until we have an opening so we can carefully—?"

"Dumbass." Bakugo growled, causing Sero to look at him with a raised eyebrow hidden by his helmet. "That's why we have to take the initiative. Don't wait for an opening. Move and make your own opening. If we can see them, then we've won. Got it?"

Miku and Kyoka both glanced down at Bakugo's now open hand in wonder. He then tossed four mini grenades full of his sweat, one to each of them. The four freaked out as they carefully gripped onto their grenades. "Take those just in case. They don't have much power, but they can be useful. And..."

The angry glare on his face disappeared, as he stared at his classmates with a stern, determined glare.

"When you guys are in danger, I'll save you. And when I'm in danger... you guys'll save me."


Katsuki Bakugo
Miku Yui
Kyoka Jiro
Hanta Sero
Rikido Sato
Togaru Kamakiri
Yosetsu Awase
Setsuna Tokage
Kojiro Bondo

Togaru KamakiriYosetsu AwaseSetsuna TokageKojiro Bondo

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