Chapter 14: Unfamiliar Feelings

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Miku Yui's POV

When Recovery Girl had asked if I wanted to see Vanessa, I immediately ran past her to the room she was being taken care of in. Once I reached the room, I burst open the door to see Vanessa looking at her bedsheets. I drastically gasped, "Vanessa!" and she looked at me and smiled brightly. I ran to her and tackled her in a group hug. She groaned in pain from the sudden contact and I quickly released my tight grip on her.

"I'm so glad you're ok... I'm so sorry! This was all my fault!" I said, crying into her shoulder. She lifted up my head for me to see her smiling. She giggled and looked at me in the eyes, "This was none of your fault. I jumped in front of you when I didn't have enough time to make the shield. You didn't shove me in front of yourself to brace the impact of the robot." We both laughed and we hugged for a while that felt like eternity. And when we were hugging, the door suddenly burst open to find a sweating and concerned-looking Todoroki.

Shoto Todoroki's POV

As soon as I burst open the door, I found Freitas and Yui embracing each other. I gasped at the sight of Freitas smiling and more importantly... alive and well.

Safe, she's safe... She's okay. I internally sighed in relief. I saw Yui get off the bed and smile at me, signaling me that I could take action.

I walked towards Freitas and brought her into a light hug. I heard Yui shriek from behind me, although I'm not sure why. I placed my chin on her shoulder and I felt her hug me back. She rested her head on my shoulder and for some reason, I felt my eyes slowly begin to fill with water.

I haven't cried in so long... is this what it is like to have a friend?

"I'm so incredibly sorry, Freitas." I silently let my tears spill, only noticeable to Freitas. "If I never had purposely made those robots fall... none of this would've happened. If you never forgive me, or even don't want to be friends anymore... I understand."

I heard Freitas let out a light gasp but then begin to giggle. "Oh, silly you. I know you meant for none of this to happen. And of course I forgive you."

I smiled in relief and continued to hold Freitas, until I noticed a big 'X' mark on the side of her neck. It was always hidden by her hair so I had just noticed it. "Freitas... why is there a red 'X' mark on the side of your neck?"

I heard a quick, fearful gasp escape, hidden under her breath. She then sighed, "Can we meet up this weekend...? And I'll tell you." "Sure." She let out a grateful hum and a couple of seconds passed. I looked to my shoulder to see that she was sleeping.

Wow... I can't believe I hurt such a nice girl.

When I had just begun to admire her facial features, I heard the door burst open. I saw Kirishima panting and clutching onto the door to slow down his heavy breathing. He must have ran here like I did earlier.

I saw Kirishima gasp with happiness and jump up and down, beginning to cheer: "She's okay!" and "This is so adorable!" "Be quiet, she's sleeping!" I yelled while whispering. Freitas groaned and nudged into my neck. I smiled and I could feel my cheeks go hot... even my right one. What was going on??

Kirishima came over, looked at Freitas, and smiled. "I'm so glad she's ok." he said, patting her head. "Yes, me too." I replied, giving him my emotionless glare. The only person I actually felt comfortable showing emotion around was Freitas. I didn't know why that was the case though. That was... how it was for me.

"She cares a lot about you, you know." Kirishima had suddenly told me. I gasped in my head while I remained silent. "More than she can admit. I want you to take care of her when me or Yui are not there. Can I count on you for that?" I nodded, promising with my nod to make sure to keep her safe.

"May I ask you something, Kirishima?" "Yeah! What is it?" He replied, putting a big smile on his face. "Are you and Freitas a... couple?" I squinted my eyes, ready for him to say that they were together, but all he did was... laugh?

"Why are you laughing?" I spat, starting to become rather annoyed. "I'm just laughing at the thought of me and Vanessa being in a relationship! She's like a little sister to me! She actually likes someone else, but she doesn't know how to tell him." Kirishima laughed... while I sighed under my breath. If what Kirishima said is correct... she has feelings for someone.

Huh... Why does that make my heart tighten...?


I now stood on the stadium field, waiting for our first battle combinations. I saw that I was up against Sero in my first round. His Quirk is Tape so I have a good strategy to beat him.

I looked up at the stands to see Freitas and Yui talking and laughing together. I have to win... for Freitas. When that thought came to mind, the realization suddenly hit me.

Do I... have feelings for her?

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