Chapter 112: You're Strong

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Vanessa Freitas' POV

Oh my God I am so nervous.

I couldn't stop sweating in my school uniform as I walked alongside Miku, Shoto, and Bakugo. We were walking back to the dorms because classes were done for the day.

'Why have I been sweating profusely the entire day' you may ask? Well...

Because after school, I have a doctor's appointment to see if my right femur is healed!

I'm praying that I'll be back on my feet today, since Christmas is in a week and I want to be able to run around and have fun with everyone, especially the squad.

Once we reached the dorms, I suddenly realized that this might be the last time I ever go on a walk with my crutches...

Boy, I won't miss it.

Then why do I feel so sad?

Maybe it's because I have been stuck to these crutches for so long...

"You guys can go inside." I turned to the three and told them with a small smile, "Mr. Aizawa will be picking me up soon." "I'll stay with you until he arrives." Shoto unsuspectingly said, which definitely caught me off guard, "Eh— Okay..."

"I guess we'll be going then. Because you have Todoroki." Miku stated, and I hummed with a nod. My best friend walked up to me and caught me in a tight hug. Dropping my crutches onto the snow, I silently hugged her back for about ten seconds before she released the hug and gave me a warm smile, "Good luck." "Thanks." I softly smiled in return.

"Let's go." Bakugo growled as he turned on his heel and headed for the door. Miku sighed, let go of me, and speed-walked up to Bakugo... before snatching his hand, stopping him in his tracks. "What do you say...?" She glared at him as she opened one of the entrance doors. "Good luck, or whatever." Bakugo muttered quickly before rushing inside. Miku sighed again and waved bye to me, and I waved back with a giggle.

Once my bestie shut the door, my hips were suddenly grabbed and I was pulled into a deep kiss. Shoto's grip on my hips tightened while I let go of my right crutch to cup his left cheek, slightly tilting my head to the side to further deepen the kiss. After a few seconds, he released his lips from mine and leaned his forehead against my own. Feeling my cheeks burn up despite the freezing air, I let out a shaken breath, "Sh-Shoto—"

"Whatever happens..." He sternly cut me off, and I felt my heart freeze. He removed his forehead from mine and locked eyes with me, "You're strong. You may think you're weak... but you're not." He glanced down at my arms covered by my jacket sleeves, obviously referring to the scars underneath. "You're strong. Very strong. And you need to know that."

W-Whoa... I felt utterly astonished by both his actions and words. Yet, even though I have been completely nervous all day long... all my worries suddenly faded away in that moment.

I felt... strong.

All the doubt I had about me not being healed yet was gone, and instead I felt strong.

Tsuyoi... just like the hero name I had chosen for myself.

I looked back up at Shoto and I think he just realized what he did. His cheeks tinted pink and he glanced down in sadness, "I'm sorry for suddenly kissing you like that, princess." "Don't apologize." I softly smiled at him, although he wasn't looking at me. However, Shoto's cute eyes widened slightly at my response, and his cheeks became even more pink which I found so adorable, "Rea—?"

Our moment was interrupted when Mr. Aizawa's car honked, telling me that he was waiting. And knowing Mr. Aizawa, he won't wait for long at all. Every minute is precious napping time for him.

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