Two Heroes - Chapter 1: Touring

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3rd Person POV

At last, it was Monday, and Miku and Vanessa were rushing to the airport. Their flight was leaving in about five hours and they could not miss it. So, once they passed security and sat down on the airplane, Vanessa was finally able to calm down and relax. Of course, sitting in the plane wasn't comfortable at all. They were in their hero costumes and Vanessa hates wearing heels on planes, let alone all the belts she had around her arms, waist, and thighs.

The plane ride took a good six and a half hours, but they finally landed. Vanessa was the first to set foot into the airport, since she was so eager to get off the plane. She outstretched her arms to her sides and took in a breath of fresh air, "I-Island— Here we are!" "Yeah, yeah, now take your luggage." Miku scoffed, struggling to drag both Vanessa's and her own carry-ons. They were very large which didn't help her case. "Alright, alright." Vanessa joked, taking her butterfly suitcase out of Miku's sore hands.

The girls got all their luggage, exited the airport, and called a taxi to come pick them up. Not long after, the taxi arrived at their hotel with the girls. It was near the massive theme park so this helped the girls' case with touring.

In the hotel room, Vanessa put away and organized all of their clothes, since she was that person while traveling, while Miku flipped through the channels. She eventually stopped once she found the anime channel, and just like that, two hours flew by.


Once Vanessa finished all her 'duties', the two left the hotel and stopped at the amusement park. There was a huge carnival happening, along with the I-Expo taking place tonight. At the amusement park, there were many pro heroes from all around the world, roller coasters, booths, and much more.


After playing a couple more carnival games, Miku and Vanessa's stomach grumbled simultaneously. They both looked at each other, knowing they craved the same thing.

"Hey, Miku— Kaminari told me that he and Mineta are working at a café here on the island. So, how about we go visit them and grab a bite?!" Vanessa suggested, excited to see their friend. Miku smiled happily, "Oh cool! I didn't know Kaminari was here. But, ugh, Mineta." She now scoffed, rolling her eyes.

Vanessa sulked with a groan, "Ugh— I know. Don't tell me twice. But it's the only way to see Kami. So, what do you say?" She asked with a grin, and Miku sighed with a chuckle. "Okay, fine. Let's go."


It didn't take the besties long, but they had now arrived at the café. Vanessa led Miku inside as she went to the front counter.

"Hello there. May I take your order?" A lovely woman that looked to be in her mid-twenties asked the two girls. She continued to clean a dirty cup as Vanessa smiled sweetly at her, "Oh, sorry, not right now actually. I'd like to request Denki Kaminari. A current worker here." The woman softly gasped but quickly nodded. She went into the kitchen and not too long after, the woman came out with Kaminari, Mineta following right behind them.

"Are you two friends?" The woman asked, and the girls nodded. "Yes, ma'am." "I see that you are aiming to be future heroes, correct?" She once again questioned, looking at their hero outfits. "Yep! We're gonna be pros someday." Miku answered, and the woman nodded with a soft smile. "Good luck, then. Have a nice day." The worker finished, waving goodbye as she stepped into the kitchen. "You too!" Both girls responded, waving in response.

"So, you decided on comin' to our café after all, huh?" Kaminari rhetorically asked with a smirk, and Vanessa jumped onto him in a hug. Vanessa loved to give hugs, so Kaminari and the rest of the Bakusquad were used to them. "Yeah, we're hungry." Miku added as she crossed her arms, Mineta waving 'hi' perversely while she just rolled her eyes. "And we wanted to see you." Vanessa added, releasing her grip on Kaminari. "What about me..." Mineta drooled, looking in the eyes of the girls. "Fuck no." Miku and Vanessa said in unison, the brunette crossing her arms to match Miku.

"So, what would you like?" Kaminari asked, as he directed the two girls to a table outside. "We'll get two chocolate donuts and two chocolate milkshakes." Vanessa ordered for herself and Miku, shoving the menus into Mineta's hands. "Alright! Coming up." Kaminari exclaimed, as he and Mineta walked back indoors. "Thanks, Kami!" Vanessa managed to yell before he disappeared along with his grapey friend.

"So... excited for I-Expo tonight?" Vanessa asked her bestie, leaning onto the table with her elbows resting on the surface and her chin in her hands. "So much!" Miku squealed before a love-struck grin formed on her lips, staring off into space. "I get to see Katsuki dressed in a suit for the first time~ He's gonna look so hot."

Vanessa couldn't help but scoff a chuckle with a warm smile. "But yeah, I'm also excited. I hope there's a slow dance so Shoto and I can dance together." "Aww— How sweet." Miku cooed, nudging her best friend's shoulder. "Yeah, I know. All you care about is seeing Bakugo in a good suit." "Hehe... Yeah." Miku sadistically grinned, folding her hands onto the table like the evil mastermind in a movie.

Suddenly, the girls both quickly gasped when they simultaneously spotted a familiar head of messy green hair followed by four girls. "Wait... is that—" "Midoriya?" Vanessa finished Miku's sentence, as they also noticed Uraraka, Jiro, Yaoyorozu, and a girl they haven't met before were walking with him.

"Uraraka! Jiro! Yaoyorozu!" Miku loudly called for them, waving her hand in the air... and Vanessa hid her face in her hands, feeling bystanders now staring at them.

Turns out there were others from their class on the island...

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