Chapter 25: Internships

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3rd Person POV

It was now Saturday, and Class 1-A had met up with Aizawa at the train station near U.A.

"Everyone has their costumes, right? Remember, you don't have permission to wear them out in public yet, and don't lose them or anything." Mr. Aizawa reminded his students, dread prominent in his voice. "Gotcha!" Mina exclaimed, holding her hero costume briefcase above her head. "Speak properly! It's 'Yes, sir', Ashido." Aizawa scolded. "Yes, sir." Mina replied, bringing her briefcase to her chest. "Make sure you mind your manners with the other heroes during your internships. Now get to it." Aizawa finished as he turned on his feet and walked off. "Yes, sir!" the class replied, before separating off into different directions.

"Hey, Eijiro!" Vanessa yelled over to the redhead, who was looking at one of the train's destinations. "Hey, Vanessa! So, where are you headin'?" Kirishima asked, giving the brunette a fist bump. "Well, Miku and I are going to Edgeshot's agency." Vanessa replied, pointing back to Miku who was talking with Mina. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to train at Fourth Kind's hero agency!" Kirishima exclaimed with a big toothy smile, "Oh, that's awesome!" Vanessa exclaimed, clapping her hands together.

"Well, it's great, but nothing compared to you! I mean, how did you and Yui manage to get offers from the number five pro hero?!" Kirishima asked eagerly, his voice raising a bit due to his pure excitement. Vanessa slightly glanced down with a finger to her chin, "Well, I don't know. We plan on asking him once we get there—"

"Vanessa, c'mon!" Miku suddenly shouted from across the station. The brunette let out a sigh mixed with a giggle, "Welp, I've gotta go! See ya, Eij. I'll call you later!" She waved goodbye and so did Kirishima, watching her run off with a warm smile. "I'll wait for the call, then! See ya, Ness!"

As she approached her best friend, Vanessa noticed Miku staring off into the abyss, completely phased out. She stood up on her tiptoes and tapped her shoulder, "Hey, Miku, what's the problem?" Vanessa asked, clear concern in her voice.

A sharp gasp Miku's rosy lips when she had suddenly snapped out of it. Noticing Vanessa below her, she chuckled nervously and fiddled her fingers together. "Well... Bakugo's about to leave and I'd like to say goodbye..."

Completely unexpected to Miku, Vanessa groaned a massive sigh and then— "What are you—" Miku freaked when her bestie snatched her hand and tugged her over to a certain boy's direction. "BAKUGO!" Vanessa screamed at the top of her lungs, and Miku's heart jumped.

"WHAT, MCDRAWER?!" Bakugo yelled back, clearly annoyed. "Here's Miku." Vanessa threw Miku right at Bakugo's chest, and she face-planted right into it. Both their faces flared pink, making the brunette chuckle. "Have fun~!" Vanessa teased, before making her way over Todoroki who was about to leave the area.

"H-Hey Bakugo..." Miku trailed off in a stutter, removing herself from his chest. Bakugo scoffed with a smirk, looking anywhere else but the girl below him. "Whaddaya want, Yui?" "W-Well...I just wanted to say bye... Since we won't see each other for the next week, and I'm gonna miss y—"

Gasping, Miku stopped herself when she just noticed what she said. Shit! I didn't mean to say that out loud!

She frantically looked up at Bakugo, who was staring at her with widened eyes... But then, he grinned. "Heh, I'll miss ya, too." He patted the top of her head before walking off... And Miku just stood there, unable to move.

What did he just say?!

Meanwhile, Vanessa ran over to Todoroki at lightning-speed, not wanting to lose him. "'Hey, Shoto!" she waved, and Todoroki's heart skipped a beat upon hearing her sweet voice. He swiftly turned around and met her halfway.

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