Chapter 38: Bravery

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Shoto Todoroki's POV

We arrived back at my house and I opened the door for Vanessa and I. Once we stepped inside, I guided my love to the kitchen.

"I'm gonna get started on dinner. I'm making us teriyaki salmon and fried rice." I stated, and Vanessa's lips curved upwards into a massive smile as she cheered, "YES! I love rice!" "Heh, I know." I chuckled at her cuteness, "Let's get starte—"

"Shoto, who is this?"

... I felt all my muscles freeze.

Instant panic arose in me.

I knew that voice that cut me off too well.

I turned around with anger, fists clenched to my side. "Father..." I spat, locking eyes with him, "... leave."

"Not until you tell me who the hell this is!" He loudly declared, his booming voice ringing throughout the entire house. And that was when I noticed his eyes full of fury glare at the matching rings on my left index finger and then on Vanessa's left middle finger. "And why is she wearing a matching ring to yours?!"

... Shit. He has always been so observant.

Vanessa shrieked from behind me and it didn't go unnoticed to my old man. "Who are you?!" Vanessa shrieked again, but this time she covered her mouth, clearly trying to stay silent. That is, until he stepped towards us with a loud stomp, and I instantly stood in front of her, my arm outstretched in front of her.

"I said, who are you?" "Vanessa Freitas..." She whispered, but loud enough for Father to hear.

A loud, deadly silence filled the room.

"... What is your Quirk?"

"Oh, we are not going down that path!" I fired back, anger rising in my tone just as my voice rose.

"Don't be like that, Shoto. As my masterpiece, you must continue the powerful bloodline I have created...!" My old man stupidly declared, an angry grin on his face. I gritted my teeth as a growl left my lips. Vanessa gasped behind me and I heard her step back in fear.

"I am not with her because of her powerful Quirk, you scumbag! I'm with her because I love her! And we'll only have children if she wants to!" Vanessa gasped once again behind me as I internally facepalmed myself. Great. I'm talking about children. This is perfect...

"Then if it's powerful, don't you mind telling me what it is?" Father now asked, his voice still full of fury but more calm. Without even looking around my shoulder, Vanessa mumbled quietly in response, but loud enough for the scumbag to hear, "Dr... Draw to Life. I can make my drawings come to life. I'm also in Shoto's class."

"Hmm. What are your weaknesses?" My father persisted, and I felt my teeth grind against one another, "You don't need to tell—" I glanced back at my love, but she was staring up at me with pure determination in my eyes. I could see right through her... She wanted to speak up for herself.

"My drawings will dissolve from liquids, can be ripped up from very loud frequencies of sound and incredibly sharp objects, and be set on fire and burnt." she bravely said, her voice no longer a mumble. And I felt so proud for her.


The scumbag scoffed.

"Then because of Shoto's fire, your Quirk isn't compatible with my son's. Leave."

"Wh- What?!" Vanessa and I simultaneously questioned, fear in her voice and anger in mine. "B-But I've been strengthening my Quirk against fire and—" she tried to defend herself in a panic, but Endeavour sternly cut her off. "I don't care. You're not allowed to see my son anymore. Now, get out of my house."

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