Chapter 100: Her New Home

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3rd Person POV

As November reached its end, the Big Three and Aizawa invited Miku, Vanessa, Ochaco, Tsuyu, Kirishima, and Midoriya over to the teachers dorm to share some good news with the six.

The first years, who wore their school uniforms, entered the building and were surprised to find Mirio, Tamaki, Nejire, and Aizawa with Eri. Mirio was clearly very excited while Tamaki was trying to avoid the social interaction. Nejire sat on the couch next to Eri and was currently putting her hair into two high pigtails with her two front pieces of hair out to look like long bangs.

Aizawa looked at his students as he held his sharp hand out to Eri. "U.A. is taking Eri in." "I thought it'd be forever until I saw her again!" Midoriya responded in pure shock but excitement.

"Hey!" Kirishima leaned down in front of Eri with a wave. Miku leaned in from the side of the couch, "It's so great to see you, Eri!" "It is, isn't it." Ochaco added onto Miku with a grin.

"Hi, sweetie!" Vanessa eagerly dropped her crutches to the floor and let herself fall onto the couch, which scared Miku, Kirishima, and Midoriya immensely. However, Vanessa didn't seem to be bothered by their fear and gave Eri an adorable smile, "Mind if I have a hug?" Eri nodded with a smile and nod as she jumped into Vanessa's arms and the two hugged. "Awww, aren't you just a little cutie!" Vanessa squealed.

"Welcome home...!" Tsu exclaimed from the back of the couch as soon as Vanessa and Eri released their hug, "You remind me of my little sister. You're cute like her...!" "Oh... Thank you...!" Eri smiled at Tsu in response.

"How is this even possible..." Midoriya awed from the side, but fortunately for him Aizawa had the answers, "We couldn't make her stay at the hospital forever." Midoriya's eyes widened and Aizawa pointed to the front door with his right thumb, signaling that it would be best if this was discussed outside.


While Nejire looked after Eri inside the dorm all the while keeping her company, Aizawa took his students, Mirio, and Tamaki outside of the building. Outside, Aizawa stood across from his students with Mirio and Tamaki beside him.

"For what we can tell, Eri was abandoned by her parents." stated Aizawa, "We know the head of the Shie Hassaikai is her blood relative, but he's been in a coma for quite a while. She has nowhere else to go."

"That's not all..." Mirio added on as he pointed to his own forehead, "Mr. Aizawa may have mentioned this already, but the docs figured out Eri's horn is where her Quirk is released from."

"Yeah..." Kirishima replied, imagining Eri's horn on Mirio's head where the blond pointed, "He said it'd gotten smaller, so it should be fine..." "Truth, it had. But it's slowly starting to get bigger again." Mirio added.

Vanessa's eyes widened in the sudden realization, as a soft gasp left her pink lips, "Which means... in order to make sure her power can be handled—"

"Exactly." Aizawa cut Vanessa off with a nod, "So, that's why we're going to let her live here instead of putting her into the system. We'll set up a room for her in the teachers dorm. Hopefully she'll be happy and we can help her find a way to harness her tremendous power. This is only our first step, though. Clearly, it's a long road."

"Sounds like it's gonna be a lot of work for you." Tsu said as she placed her pointer finger to her chin. However, instead of Aizawa responding, Mirio did with his arm shot up to the sky, "That's where I come in! I'm on a temporary leave from school right now and I'm super buddy-buddy with our little Eri, so I'm helpin' out! I know you guys are majorly busy, but I'm hoping you'll stop by and say hi?"

"Of course we will!" Kirishima and Midoriya both simultaneously replied, then Miku and Vanessa. "You can definitely count on it!"

With a heartwarming smile, Tamaki placed his hand on Mirio's shoulder with a gentle smile, "If Eri's Quirk becomes usable and she learns how to control it, then I bet we'll have our invincible man back in no time." "Man, that'd be awesome, right! Guess we'll see, though." Mirio rested his hands on the back of his neck in somewhat embarrassment, laughing the tough situation off.

Aizawa now turned to look at Mirio, "Sorry to be asking for help already, but can you get her settled in?" Mirio saluted with a bright smile, "Roger, sir! We'll play some board games!"

"Oh my gosh, can we join you, please?!" Vanessa suddenly begged once she heard about the opportunity to spend more time with Eri. "Yeah, do you mind?" Midoriya added onto Vanessa, a nervous grin on his face.

"I do. Go back to the dorm." Aizawa instantly replied to the two as he turned to glare at them, crushing Vanessa's heart to millions of pieces. Fortunately, she had Miku there to pat her back.

"You have visitors. They'll be here soon."

Once Miku and Vanessa heard this, the brunette stopped sulking, and the two best friends stared at their teacher with raised eyebrows.

Huh? Visitors? Both girls thought in unison. I wonder who they could be...

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