Chapter 78: Fears

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Vanessa Freitas' POV

We stood in Kamino Ward.

The same place where we saved Bakugo and All Might defeated the boss villain.

It was like deja vu. There was Shoto, Eijiro, Miku, Yao-Momo, Iida, Midoriya, and I.

However, we weren't in our disguises.

"I have a suggestion..." Yao-Momo pointed towards the Dirt-Cheap Donki Oote. "Uh, Yao-Momo I don't think we really need to buy outfits. We'll be okay." I suggested, not wanting to spend Yao-Momo's money because I felt bad. The group nodded in agreement with me and Yao-Momo sighed, "Alright, then. Let's go." she said and we continued to walk down the street.

While we continued to walk down the busy street, I looked to my left but Shoto wasn't there anymore. I let out a, "Huh?" as I saw a figure pull a mop of red and white hair into an alleyway.

"Shoto!" I cried and ran into the alleyway. I could hear Miku and Eijiro screaming for me to come back...

But I didn't listen.

Once I stepped into the alleyway, I felt something hard hit the back of my head. It was a slab of stone that was owned by one of the villains. They found us! I touched my head and felt blood drip onto my bare hands.

"Vanessa, watch out!" I heard Shoto yell at me but I wasn't fast enough. Shoto jumped in front of me and summoned ice with his right foot. However, his foot was behind his body instead of in front that when he summoned the ice...

It impaled him.

I gasped so hard that I felt as if I couldn't breathe. Blood dripped from the right side of his chest and mouth. He slowly fell towards the floor, as I attempted to stand up. I was still in shock and all I could do was stare at his fallen body.

The realization of the situation suddenly hit me and I burst into heavy tears. I hugged his bloody body and stared into his lifeless eyes.

"Please... no... no... no...!"

This is all my fault! If only I didn't stop Yao-Momo from buying us disguises! If only I could protect myself!

I continued to sob as I felt the same stone slab slam against my head.

As I began to fade out of consciousness, I heard the villain who had hit me talk to me,

"Time to go find your friends..."

I then heard someone calling my name but I couldn't answer. My sight became a blur and soon there was darkness—


Gasping, I stood up frantically and looked around in immense panic... only to realize that I was in my room.

I looked towards the other side of the room and saw Miku and Bakugo sleeping on their tatami sleeping mat when my skin shivered at the touch of a cold hand cupping my left check. The hand turned my head right... and that was when I saw Shoto. His face was full of worry as his right hand touched my now cold cheek.

It was just another vivid dream...

He brought his left hand up to hold my other cheek, and he wiped away the tears that I didn't even know were falling.

"What happened? Are you okay?" His soft voice hushed through the night silence as he stared into my soul; His eyes looked so concerned and alive... instead of the dull and lifeless ones I had seen only seconds ago.

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