Chapter 87: The Shie Hassaikai Raid

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Vanessa Freitas' POV

Our entire group of heroes now stood outside the assumed building of the Yakuza and Shie Hassaikai. I stood beside Eijiro, Amajiki, and Fat Gum, while Miku was over with her team.

"Once they've read the warrant, then you're free to move!" the police head announced from the front of the crowd. "I'm counting on everyone to act swiftly."

"What's with this guy? Over here acting like we don't know our jobs." "You know that's not what he means, Rock Lock, give it a rest." Fat Gum turned to the hero at our near right. Rock Lock huffed in response, "Hmph. The real problem is that these Yakuza bastards are good at livin' in the shadows. They see all these heroes and the police, they might just disappear."

As soon as the head of the police was about to ring the doorbell, a massive Yakuza member that was very large and strong burst through the entrance. Well, screw what Rock Lock said, I guess. I thought as I quickly snatched my drawing board and one of my pencils from the back of my belt.

"What do you want?" the villain growled while fully standing up with a stretch, "It's too early for visitors...!" Rock Lock gritted his teeth, "Aw, man! You kiddin' me? How do they already know we're here??" "No time for questions!" responded Mr. Brave, yanking out a piece of his hair to turn into a sword, "Let's go!"

"That's gooood. I'm wakin' up a little." the enemy paced back and forth before he charged up his already obesely muscled arm. "Brace yourselves!" Ryukyu immediately stepped in front of the police officers with a hand to her claw head piece.

"Why are you people heeeere?!" The villain screamed, however, as soon as he was about to hit Ryukyu, the pro transformed into her dragon form and blocked the attack with her open claw, "Listen to me! We shouldn't split up too many of our forces yet! The Ryukyu Agency will take care of this villain." She then slammed the villain down onto the open ground, "The rest of you, go!"

"You heard the lady! Everyone move, come on!" Fat Gum motioned everyone to the building. Before I joined them though, I glanced over to Miku and sent her a smirk and head nod. She returned the gesture with a thumbs up and I soon followed Fat Gum, Amajiki, and Eijiro.

"This is the heroes and the police! We have a warrant to search your premises on suspicion of manufacturing and selling illegal drugs!" the police head declared as he ran in with all his police and us heroes while holding up the paper warrant. One of the three opposing guys sent grass spikes flying at us, but the police guarded themselves with their shields.

"Quickest route! Let's go! Get to the girl!" Fat Gum yelled while Eijiro and I ran beside him. "We've got this. Don't we?" "Yes!" I heard Midoriya respond to Togata from behind me. After hearing this, I only clutched my already tightened fists around my drawing supplies harder, refusing to put them back in my belt.

This is for real now...! It's time to save Eri!

"Hate to just barge in like this! But we're kinda in a hurry!" Fat Gum said as our and Nighteye's group, along with Rock Lock, Aizawa, and the police head entered the building, Togata running right in front of me.

"Haven't seen any signs of suspicious activity yet!" Fat Gum announced. "Yeah, bro. Same here. But hey, we're in it now, right? We got no choice but to see it through." said Rock Lock, and a group of police men and Amajiki had entered the building from behind the front group. Suneater then managed to reach our group and run alongside Eijiro and I.

"If there had been a leak, I think they would be fighting more cohesively. Groups like this are used to working together." the police head stated. "There's nothing that matters more to these guys than their bond with their boss and their brothers. Being part of the underworld only makes loyalty that much more sacred to them. All those people outside, but we haven't caught sight of the top brass yet. They're probably underground, hiding, getting ready to flee."

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