Chapter 51: No Turning Back

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3rd Person POV

Darkness soon fell in the sky, and Kirishima and Todoroki stood outside in front of the hospital doors.

The two waited in silence when out of the blue, Vanessa and Miku walked through the entrance doors, ready to join the team. The boys smiled, knowing they have two more trustworthy people for their team.

When the two girls walked up to the two boys, Todoroki cupped Vanessa's left cheek, bringing his lips to her forehead. Although her forehead bangs covered her forehead skin, he couldn't care less right now. "Hello, princess. I'm glad you guys could join us." "Yeah, same here." Kirishima eagerly added with a reassuring smile, taking his hand out of his pocket to pat the top of her head.

She softly hummed in delight at the head pats just before Todoroki brung Vanessa into his chest, holding her in a comforting hug. He could tell she was incredibly stressed.

Miku stepped up to Kirishima's side and crossed her arms, staring off into the abyss. And in the dead of silence, the redhead spoke up as he shoved both his hands back into the front pockets of his shorts, "I wonder what Yaoyorozu decided." "No matter how much we wanna go after him, it's her choice." added Todoroki.

"Hmm. No matter how much we wanna go—" Vanessa spoke up from Todoroki's chest but found her voice halt when she heard a pair of footsteps walk toward them. Turning her head within Todoroki's embrace, she and the others watched Yao-Momo walk towards them from the hospital doors, holding a medium-sized purse in her left hand while her right hand remained clenched at her side.

"She's here!" Vanessa cheered with a gasp, and Kirishima and Miku stepped forward in anticipation. Yao-Momo looked to her right and the group once again gasped to find someone else behind her...

"Midoriya..." Todoroki stated, shocked that his friend would decide to come along for the mission due to the condition he was in.

"So, how 'bout it? You decide?" Kirishima asked, getting straight to the point. Yao-Momo sighed, glancing down, "I think that—"

"Hold on!" A familiar, booming voice sprung from behind, the teens except Todoroki gasping in panic.

"Iida..." Kirishima trailed off, scared looks on all their faces. "Why are you here?" Midoriya asked, and the class rep gritted his teeth in frustration, sweat falling down his face, "You. Why did it have to be you four of all people?"

He glared at his classmates who he fought Stain alongside, and they felt their hearts skip a beat. "The ones who stopped me when I acted recklessly. Who received amnesty with me after Hosu. Why are you trying to make the same foolish mistakes I made? Didn't you learn?!"

Kirishima and Yaoyorozu were confused by his words, not really understanding what their class rep was talking about. Yet, the redhead stepped forward, "What are you talking about?" Todoroki placed a hand on the boy's shoulder, preventing him from saying or doing something further, giving him a calm look for him to let the situation go. Miku gripped onto Vanessa's sweater, afraid that they wouldn't be able to go save Bakugo because of Iida.

"We are still just students..." Iida's voice shook, his eyes glaring down at his feet, "... And U.A.'s in a bad position as it is...! Anything we do will reflect on our school! Don't you understand that?!" Upon seeing his distressed friend, Midoriya walked at a steady pace to his friend, "Iida, we have to. I know you don't like us breaking rules, but—"

The teens fell silent when Iida punched Midoriya in the face, bruising his right cheek. Kirishima looked in disgust and confusion. However, Todoroki and the girls were stunned and frightened. Midoriya hung his head down low to his side.

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