Heroes Rising - Chapter 3: Gratitude

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3rd Person POV

After a long day of hard work, the students of 1-A sat in the dining room of their agency, everyone in their casual/home clothes.

Vanessa wore a baby blue tank top, white jean shorts, and her Artemis (Sailor Moon) slippers. Meanwhile, Miku had on Bakugo's skull shirt—having no problem finding where he had hidden it from her—black jogging shorts, back stockings that went up to her kneecaps, and her Luna (Sailor Moon) slippers.

"Holy shit— I'm exhausted." Miku groaned, leaning back onto her chair. "You say it, dude." Vanessa responded as she leaned her head onto Miku's shoulder. "We've gone Plus Ultra beyond what's allowed by the labour standards act." Kaminari sighed in defeat, a hand to his chest.

"Hey, uh, how about fewer smaller jobs?" Sero suggested to Iida and Yao-Momo with a lazily raised arm, the two presidents sitting in the living room and seeming to not be exhausted... Well, Yao-Momo was, but she hid it really well.

"No can do." Iida sternly replied as he slurped on his cup of orange juice through the straw, "All jobs are equally vital...!" Yao-Momo stood out of her seat with a calm yet determined smile, "It may be true that we came here as heroes, but remember we're still just students. We have to work hard and prove ourselves to earn the islanders' trust."

"Hey, uh, does that go for all of us?" Mineta raised his hand up before he glared over at Bakugo, "'Cause I know someone who hasn't done anything since we got here."

"Well, somebody's gotta stay behind and watch the office, moron." Bakugo snapped back, sitting on the floor in front of a low table with Kirishima on the other side. His eyes turned white as he tilted his head to the side and gave the small boy a thumbs down, "What are we gonna do if a villain shows up while all you geniuses are all out doing stupid shit, huh??"

"Stop overdramatizing, Katsuki." Miku snapped back at her boyfriend, and the sandy blond found himself shocked by the fact a shiver sped up his arms. "Yui's right..." Kirishima chuckled with a smile and an eye close, leaning over with his head resting on his arm on the table, "There aren't any villains on this island."


Suddenly, the door to the dining room opened to reveal a group of adult islanders holding trays and plates of food. "Sorry for barging in...!" the mayor said. Iida exclaimed his presence as he and Yao-Momo quickly walked up to the group.

"It was so sweet of you to carry granny to the hospital earlier. Thank you." One lady bowed to Iida after she handed him a tray of food. "And thanks for fixing that old bike of mine." Mrs. Suzumera handed Yao-Momo another tray, thanking her for her help earlier today. "And our battery." "And for keeping the beach safe, too!" "Precious fish of the island right here!"

"Just a little something to show you how grateful we are that you're helping us." Mrs. Suzumera stated when all the food was now laid out on the three long tables. "All right! Let's dig in!" Everyone cheered with utter joy, but Iida began to panic, waving his arms around, "We're heroes, people! Show some respect!"

While everyone began to take their seats and set their plates, Iida and Yao-Momo escorted the islanders outside the building. Once out, the two stood in front of the large group.

"Thank you for your hospitality." Yao-Momo thanked gratefully, yet the Mayor pressed on. "Please, considering how hard you've been working, it's the least we could do." "And I'm sure we can continue to count on you." Mrs. Suzumera finished, leaving Iida and Yao-Momo standing there in utterly grateful awe, their faces priceless 🥹🥹

 Suzumera finished, leaving Iida and Yao-Momo standing there in utterly grateful awe, their faces priceless 🥹🥹

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"Of course!" Yao-Momo replied with a determined smile and her hands clenched to her breasts, still blushing. "Absolutely! We'll keep doing our best!" Iida nodded sternly, also grinning determinedly.

"Ugh, there's too much variety to choose from!" Vanessa whined to herself with a big pout, "I wanna eat it all!" "Me too, bro." Miku sighed with a lopsided smile. "Argh, screw it, where's the shrimp?!" The brunette started to look around their table. Miku became curious as well and also began looking for bff's second favourite food.

However, what they didn't know was that Todoroki heard Vanessa's whines from the other table, due to him watching her. Taking his own plate, he took some shrimp, put them on his plate, and walked up to his love who was still scanning the long table. Tapping her shoulder, she swiftly turned her head around to find her boyfriend holding his plate to her chest, "I heard you were looking for the shrimp, love."

... Vanessa's emerald eyes instantly sparkled with stars and smiled brighter than the stars, "Thank you so much, Sho! You're the best!"

Todoroki blushed a tint pink, since Miku was sending the dual-haired boy a devious smirk. He leaned down to kiss the top of her head before softly smiling down at her, "It's no problem, princess. Besides, you're on crutches."


1-A had at last finished their dinner after an hour.

"Oh my God, that was so gooood." Vanessa drooled with starstruck eyes, currently in food heaven. Miku took another sip of her juice, "I know right, girl?"

Finishing her juice box, Miku stood up out of her seat and held her hand out to her best friend, "Here, I can take your plate 'cause of your crutches." "Thank you." Vanessa sent her bestie a warm smile as the purple-grey haired girl took both their plates, utensils, and cups.

At their low table, Bakugo scoffed while Kirishima cleaned up his own plate. "Yo, Bakugo!" Kaminari walked in with Sero and Sato, his hands in his pockets as he grinned, "We're gonna go get cleaned up and hit the sacks." "Night watch is all yours!" Kirishima stood up and saluted his right hand to his forehead.

It took Bakugo a few seconds to process his task... since he only burst into rage in a couple moments. "What, why me?!?!"

"Because you sat around the office all day!" Sero answered, the four boys walking off. Bakugo's entire body jittered, his frown so massive and his eyes white.

"Suck it up, Katsuki!" Miku shot a glare at her boyfriend with her hands on her hips, "You gotta do something around here!" Bakugo flinched and tried to resist himself from exploding even further, because he knew his friends and lover were all correct.

As Miku pulled out her phone from her pockets, Vanessa scoffed out loud to herself, "Hah, sucker. I was supposed to do night watch but thanks to you, I'm free."

Bakugo's entire body froze at the shortie's scoff and smug smirk, before...

"Fucking McDrawEEEERRRRRR!!!!"

While Miku snickered... Vanessa stared at the raging sandy blond bolting up from his seat with an expression like she had seen a ghost, chuckling nervously to herself, "... Welp, I'm dead."

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