Chapter 16: An Unwinnable Fight?

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Miku Yui's POV

I saw Bakugo and Uraraka standing on each side of the battle arena. Even though Uraraka was my friend, I still wanted Bakugo to win.

"The eighth and final round in the first round is now up! He was kind-of a hot-shot in middle school, and just look at that determined face! From the hero course, Katsuki Bakugo!" I stood up from my seat and cheered so loud that I didn't even hear Present Mic begin to announce Uraraka. "Versus—! The one I'm personally rooting for. Also from Class 1-A, Ochaco Uraraka! Let the eighth match begin!"

Uraraka ran towards Bakugo while keeping close to the ground. Bakugo swept his right hand like an under-throw and blasted Uraraka. Uraraka dived to attempt to strike at Bakugo again, which made him create another blast. When the smoke cleared, Bakugo was holding Uraraka's gym uniform shirt to the ground.

"Oh shit..." I mumbled to myself as Uraraka had suddenly appeared behind Bakugo. "Woah! She flew her jacket over his attack, what incredibly quick thinking!" Present Mic yelled. As soon as Uraraka was about to touch Bakugo though, he blasted her across the arena. The same thing continued to happen multiple times. Uraraka would continuously try to use her Quirk on Bakugo which always resulted in him blasting her.

"This is shameful! Listen, kid, you really wanna be a hero?! Then stop acting like a bully! If you're so good, just send her outta bounds!" Some random guy from the audience stood up and yelled at Bakugo. I became pissed and snatched the microphone from Vanessa's hands, causing a quick, soft gasp to leave her pink lips. "Don't listen to him Bakugo!" I screamed into Vanessa's mic, "Keep going!" I looked at Bakugo to see him staring at me. He smiled and nodded, which I returned.

The crowd began to boo Bakugo after what I had said five seconds ago. "The crowd is now boo-ing Bakugo! And honestly, I kinda agree with what they're saying—" Present Mic was cut off when Mr. Aizawa elbowed him in the face. "What the hell??" Present Mic snapped.

"There. The man who started this uproar." Mr. Aizawa sternly spoke up, "Are you a pro? Because if you're being serious, you can go home and hang up your cape. I'd suggest looking into another career. Bakugo's fierceness is an acknowledgement of his opponent's strength. He knows she deserves to have made it this far. So he's making sure he does whatever it takes to keep her at bay and come out on top." I smiled and made a mental note to thank Mr. Aizawa for standing up for Bakugo after.

Suddenly, Uraraka released gravity on a bunch of rocks she had above the arena. I gasped, "She made these from Bakugo blasts! Crap...!" The meteor shower came down and Uraraka began to run towards Bakugo. She's going to try to use her Quirk on him again while he's distracted!

Bakugo shot his arm skyward and blasted the meteor shower, causing Uraraka to be blasted backwards from the impact. "Bakugo blasts on a huge demonstration of power! He blasted Uraraka's finishing move and remains untouched!" Present Mic yelled, and we could all hear the shock in the pro's voice. I saw Bakugo sigh and clutch his left hand. It looked like he was hurting and I felt bad for him.

Uraraka stood up and this time Bakugo ran towards her. As Uraraka ran towards him though, she tripped on her own feet and fell. "She must've fell from exhaustion and pain... poor girl..." Vanessa softly sighed with pure empathy in her emerald eyes.

"Uraraka is down!" Present Mic yelled, and I saw her struggling to get up and move forward. Midnight stepped forward into the arena and signaled Bakugo to stay back. She crouched down and put her hand on Uraraka's back. "Uraraka is KO'd. Bakugo advances to the second round."

The stadium cheered for Bakugo, and I felt happy inside. On the outside, however, I was sad. I couldn't cheer for Uraraka when she was badly injured the way she was. She was my friend, and I felt bad for her. At the same time though, I was relieved and happy that Bakugo won.


After Bakugo had left the battle arena, I stood up and went to go find him. It didn't take me too long to find him though. When I was walking towards the waiting rooms, I saw Bakugo in the hallway. "Bakugo!" I yelled, running to him. I smiled and so did he, which was rare of him.

"Hey, Yui. Why are you here? Shouldn't you be with McDrawer?" He asked, crossing his arms. "Yeah, but I wanted to come see you and say congratulations on winning!" He smiled again, but it went away quickly. He turned around, and I heard him mumble a, "Thanks."

"You should go sit with McDrawer, you don't want to miss the show." He said as he began walking off. I warmly smiled, "Sure." And so, I turned around and made my way back to our class.


Once I reached our class' seats, I noticed Vanessa standing up and continuously yelling into her microphone, "C'mon, Eijiro!" and "Let's go Eijiro Kirishima!" Confused as to why she was cheering for the redhead all of a sudden, I looked at the battle arena to see Kirishima and Tetsutetsu arm wrestling.

"Vanessa, why are they arm wrestling?" I asked her. "Because they got a tie. They're determining who moves onto the next round now!" Vanessa replied instantly, still standing up and cheering for Kirishima. Once Kirishima had defeated Tetsutetsu, Vanessa cheered so loud that I had to forcefully take the microphone from her so she wouldn't damage anyone else's ears... my poor ears...

When the battle had finished, Kirishima met up with our class about five minutes later and Vanessa gave him the biggest hug she probably ever had given him. They both laughed and as soon as Vanessa said, "Congrats!'' we saw who was first to battle in the second round.

Todoroki and Midoriya...

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