Chapter 41: Boundaries

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3rd Person POV

The students of Class 1-A now sat in the cafeteria, Vanessa sitting in between Miku and Kirishima. "You girls got stuck in a tiny little bunk room, didn't ya?" Sero asked Kyoka, intrigued to hear the purple haired girl's answer. "Why? Is the guys' room really big?" "Oh, yeah?" Mina chirped in, "So, like, can I check it out later or what?" "Sure!" Sero gave his signature kind smile, "Whenever you want."

Meanwhile with Vanessa, Kirishima, and Kaminari... they were stuffing their faces with rice. Kaminari was using his chopsticks to eat properly but very quickly, while Kirishima and Vanessa used the chopsticks to shove the rice right down their throats.

It's so good! I can't get enough! thought Kirishima.

I'm in heaven! This food is delicious! Vanessa squealed in her head.

My stomach is so happy right now! It's as good as Lunch Rush's food! I think I might until I burst! Kaminari internally cheered in bliss.

This all went down while Miku enjoyed the view of her gang eating like they never have eaten before, until a delicious smell filled the air. Vanessa's eyes widened, "I. Smell. Meat." she drooled, pausing between every word like a robot. "Hey, wait— You got meat over there?!" Kirishima was next to burst, catching Pixie-Bob's immediate attention.

She smiled with a giggle, "Yeah...! Geez, it's like you guys haven't eaten in a week or something. Anyway, today's the only time we'll be doing this for you, so make sure you kids enjoy it." "Thank you!" Kirishima, Vanessa, and Kaminari screamed in adoration, and Miku chuckled, snacking on her ramen. I love these idiots way too much.


The girls were now getting undressed, and soon they stepped into the bathing pool. Mina hopped onto the ledge, slipping her legs in. "This feels amazing!" she squealed, fists pumped into the air.

"I'm so glad they've got a hot springs here!" Kyoka added in delight, relaxing into the warmth of the water. "To be honest, I thought we would be getting regular showers, but this is beyond better!" Vanessa exclaimed as she slowly got into the water, Miku slipping in next to her best friend, "I know, me too. This feels better than anything ever..."

"I know right..." Vanessa moaned blissfully, her sore muscles melting at the touch of the hot water as she leaned her head back. "I need this. We all need this." "Hehe." Kyoka chuckled as she held her index finger up, "True that, gir—"

"You're to stop this at once, Mineta!!" Iida's booming voice cut off Kyoka all of a sudden. "What you are doing is demeaning for both the girls and yourself! It's shameful behavior!" Then, something could be heard climbing up the wall. "Mineta, get down!!" Iida ordered... and the girls instantly sprung into panic.

"He's climbing the wall?!" Kyoka freaked as she covered herself with her arms, much more protective over her body than the other girls despite having the least developed body of the entire group. Yao-Momo gritted her teeth, crossing her arms in front of her breasts, "This is completely inappropriate behavior...!"

Suddenly, Kota appeared over the fence, standing atop the high, wooden fence that separated the naked girls from the naked boys. "Before you become a Hero, you should learn how to be a good human." he scoffed before shoving him off the ledge. Kyoka and Ochaco sighed in relief, and Kota turned around at the sound of Tsu's voice, "Mineta really is the worst, isn't he?"

"Thanks so much, Kota! We owe you one!" Mina gave the young boy a double thumbs up, her arms shot up into the air. The girls chuckled lightly... before Vanessa froze in shock, her eyes widening in fear, A kid probably six or seven years old just saw eight girls naked in a bathing pool...

Oh no.

Kota yelped before falling off the edge with a nosebleed. "Look out!" Midoriya yelled from the other side of the fence, and Vanessa shrieked in fear of the young boy's life. "Kota!" she panicked, rushing out of the pool while also forgetting that she was completely naked and now exposed to the elements. She leaned up against the wooden fence, placing her ear towards the wall, "Midoriya! I heard you call to him! Is he okay?!"

Midoriya gasped from the other side, before responding, "Yeah, he's fine...! I caught him, but he seems to be out." Vanessa also gasped, but then sighed in relief, "Makes sense, to be honest. He just saw all of us... you know..."

~Meanwhile, on the other side of the high, wooden fence~

"Makes sense, to be honest. He just saw all of us... you know." Vanessa sighed in relief... and Midoriya's face boiled red, his cinnamon roll heart not able to take this. Nevertheless, he shoved down those thoughts and mustered a response, "Yeah, I understand. I'm going to take him to Mandalay." "Thank you, Midoriya." Vanessa sweetly replied.

Meanwhile... upon hearing Vanessa's statement on how he saw all of them... you know... Todoroki's face flared red.

Vanessa's naked on the other side... and the kid just saw her...

She's naked and pressed up against the fence... talking to Midoriya while she's naked

"Todoroki!" Iida's loud voice boomed at the dual haired boy, whose eyes held an intent to kill while the rest of his face was completely flushed from flusteredness.

Needless to say, he was ready to both murder someone and die of flusteredness at the exact same time.

"Your face is boiling up! Are you alright? Shall I take you to see Mr. Aizawa?" Iida now offered, only causing Todoroki to become more flustered. Bakugo scoffed with a laugh, leaning back with crossed arms, "He's getting his rocks off from McDrawer naked."

A majority of the boys gasped, and all the boys looked at both the grinning sandy blond and flustered dual haired boy, everyone flabbergasted. Todoroki didn't respond, causing Iida to grunt, "That is an incredibly inappropriate subject you are talking about! Unacceptable!"

Midoriya sighed, walking out of the area with a towel wrapped around his waist and Kota safe in his arms. This will never end. Kacchan loves exploiting people's weaknesses... Sorry, Todoroki...

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