World Heroes' Mission - Chapter 6: Good Children

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3rd Person POV

The day they had spent traveling around the mainland of Portugal was an absolute blast...

Even Bakugo had fun... though he'd rather kill himself than admit it.

That is... until they flew to Vanessa's cousin's house, where her grandparents and a whole group of her family would be awaiting her arrival. Of course, there was much more of her family in Portugal, but they gathered not only those closer to her, but the ones who could come on such short notice.

... Bakugo sat in the corner the whole time pouting.

Just like their sightseeing day, the Japanese teens really enjoyed dinner and meeting Vanessa's family—unless you're Bakugo—even if she constantly had to translate messages for everyone back and forth.

They were also officially the first ones in Vanessa's entire family to meet her boyfriend, so they bombarded him with questions in Portuguese that Vanessa had to translate, leading to him answering in Japanese which she translated. Afterall, nobody in her family had ever met him, so her family in Portugal had no clue what he was like.

Needless to say: Yesterday was a blast.

But now... it was time to leave, because their mission here was complete.

Following behind Endeavor, Burnin', and Recovery Girl, all of them carrying their luggage and hero costume briefcases, the five teen Japanese Heroes were ready to head back to Japan at Humberto Delgado Airport, all dressed in their U.A. school uniforms. However, before they could reach the main escalator within the main entrance area...

 However, before they could reach the main escalator within the main entrance area

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A bird's melody chirped in everyone's ears.

Everyone halting and turning around with curious looks, Midoriya and Vanessa softly gasped with smiles when they were met with Rody walking up to them with a crutch under his right arm, holding up his left hand in a wave with a smile and a head tilt, while Pino danced in the air next to him.

"Rody!" Vanessa exclaimed with sparkles in her eyes. "Didn't think you'd be out so soon...!" Midoriya added as he and his short friend scurried up to him, standing side by side in front of the Portuguese boy who smirked, "They said I was good to head back home." "Well, I'm glad to hear it." Midoriya replied while Vanessa nodded with a big smile. Meanwhile, everyone else rode on the giant escalator, watching them from afar as they slowly elevated... a scowl on Bakugo's face while Todoroki and Miku bore small smiles.

"Although, if I had died stopping those bombs, I would have become a total legend...!" Rody chuckled with a sinister smirk, causing Midoriya and Vanessa's eyes to shoot open in shock. "That's a morbid thing to say..." the green haired boy mumbled... before the three of them laughed softly together.

"So, have you come up with any big plans for the future?" Midoriya decided to ask with a concerned look in his eyes, and Vanessa firmly nodded as she playfully smirked at him, "You can't always be known as 'thief', you know."

"Yeah, yeah, I get it." Rody huffed a chuckle as he moved himself on his right crutch to look out the giant windows above the entrance doors, while Midoriya raised an eyebrow in curiosity, wondering what they had said.

"I'm just going back to my normal life for now." Rody said before looking over at his two new friends with a small smile, Pino now resting on his right shoulder, "Though, I suppose with all I've been through, who knows what's in store for me?" Pino now jumped up with a wing above her head, before landing back onto his shoulder with a determined chirp.

Vanessa firmly nodded as she softly smiled, and Midoriya hummed softly with a firm nod, "Right."

... That was when an announcement rang throughout the airport, saying that they would now begin boarding for their flight.

"We gotta run and catch our flight." Midoriya said in sorrow, feeling bad... while Vanessa's entire face scrunched up in fear, her anxiety getting worse by the millisecond. Looking back out to the windows above the entrance doors, Rody held up his left hand to his side as he shook his head, "Do me a solid and stick to Japan. Nothing good happens when you guys are around."

"Probably best for everyone if you stay in your lane." he finished... while Pino's eyes were welling up with lots of tears... and Midoriya warmly smiled, knowing that he was really going to miss them. And from beside the green haired boy, tears began to well up in Vanessa's emerald eyes, her sorrow from going to miss her new friend triumphing over her anxiety.

Placing down his hero costume briefcase, Midoriya took a step forward and wrapped his arms around Rody's upper torso, hugging him close, and Vanessa's heart warmed at the sight, more tears forming in her eyes.

"We'll come back and visit for sure." Midoriya softly said... and Rody hugged him back with his crutch falling to the floor, causing Vanessa's heart to flutter. The brown haired boy genuinely smiled as he rested his head on Midoriya's shoulder with a rough chuckle, "Yeah, like I care..."

After a few seconds, Midoriya now stepped back and just as Rody raised his head, a quick, soft gasp left his lips when Vanessa had dropped her hero costume briefcase and wrapped her arms around his neck, shoving her eyes into his shoulder. Rody blinked, not having expected that... but nevertheless wrapped his arms around her torso and hugged her back, resting the side of his head against hers.

"Good luck." She mumbled as she squeezed him tight, her tears staining his faded yellow jacket, "Take care of your siblings for me. They're good children..."

Vanessa lifted her head from his shoulder and looked up at him with the kindest of smiles on her lips, tears streaming down her face, "Just like you."

Rody's grey eyes sparkled as a blush filled his cheeks. Regardless, he scoffed a chuckle as he genuinely smiled, "I will."

Releasing their embrace and stepping back from him, Vanessa crouched down and picked up his crutch and handed it to them. He muttered a quick, "Thanks." while she pet Pino with her left hand, who chirped happily.

Rody scoffed a chuckle before his entire body froze up when Vanessa placed a quick kiss to his right cheek... causing his cheeks to flare red again and Pino's entire body to turn red. And while he was distracted—not according to the brunette's plan—she pulled out a slip from her dress jacket pocket, grabbed his left hand, and placed it in his palm before closing his fingers around the slip with her own fingers.

With the cutest of giggles, she turned on her heel as Midoriya handed her her briefcase, and she smiled brightly as she waved to him, "I await your messages, my fellow Portuguese brethren!"

And as he watched his two Hero friends run off... a loving expression filled his face.

He already couldn't wait to see them again... and now he had a reason to save up some money to buy a phone.


This was the last chapter I ever have to write for IFLE: S1

Getting kinda emotional...

Can't wait to start writing S2 immediately! :)

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