Chapter 76: Class Sleepover

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3rd Person POV

Class 1-A had seen the debacle that Miku, Vanessa, Todoroki, and Bakugo had gone through on TV... and Mina and Toru came up with an idea.

They asked the class if they would like to hold a class sleepover tonight, which would start when the four students got home from the attack. The class agreed and Kirishima told Mina that he would text Vanessa and ask if they were willing to have a class sleepover, since they were unsure if the four would rather just head to their rooms and wind down and reflect on what happened in silence.


Within the limo they were taking to get back to the dorms, Vanessa heard her phone give off a buzz. She had wrapped a drawing of a cloth around the bleeding cut on her neck, so she was able to stay conscious. She took out her phone from her purse and read the message from Kirishima.

Hey Vanessa 😁! Me and the class know that you guys had a super hard night and Mina and Hagakure actually convinced the class to throw a "Class Sleepover" for you guys. Do you guys want to come? You can say no no pressure

Vanessa smiled warmly and looked over at Miku. She shoved her phone into Miku's face, her bestie reading the text and giving off a hum while nodding her head. "Shoto, Bakugo. Mina and Toru wanna have a class sleepover. Would you guys like to go?" Vanessa then asked the boys, her phone still on in her small, chubby hand.

Todoroki smiled softly, "Sure." and Vanessa nodded happily. "Whatever... Miku will be there, right?" Bakugo grumbled like a toddler, making Vanessa giggle, "Yep~!"

Bakugo now looked out his window, his right arm and hand resting against the window gripping the heels of Miku's shoes, "Then I guess I'll go... whatever..." he mumbled and the two girls couldn't help but chuckle.

Miku went right back to placing her head on Bakugo's shoulder and going back to sleep. Meanwhile, Vanessa logged back into her and Kirishima's iMessages to text him back.

Vanessa Freitas
Yep! We'll be there, Eij! Tell Mina and Toru that I say tysm and that we can use my switch to play. After tonight, Miku and I could use a class sleepover

Great! I'll tell them. I'll see ya in a bit, Ness! 🤗

Vanessa Freitas
Ditto 🤗

Vanessa shut off her phone, put it back in her purse, and leaned her head on Todoroki's shoulder. Todoroki had the left window seat and Bakugo had the right, and the two girls sat beside their boyfriends—and each other—in the middle.

Todoroki had a calm, loving look in his eyes. He rubbed his girlfriend's clothed thigh with his cold thumb as he gently kissed the top of her head. He rested his head on the top of Vanessa's as his cold hand moved up to hold her left hand, linking their fingers. Their matching couples' rings clinked against one another, and that audible clink! warmed Todoroki's heart.


After another half an hour, the limo had finally reached U.A., and more specifically 1-A Alliance.

Miku was asleep and Bakugo didn't want to wake her up due to her throbbing headache, so he stepped out of the car and unbuckled Miku's seatbelt, carefully slipped her heels onto her bare feet, and lifted her up into his arms, carrying her bridal style. Meanwhile, Vanessa said thank you to the driver as Todoroki paid him—with his father's money, of course.

Vanessa now opened the door and Todoroki followed, Bakugo behind him continuing to carry the asleep Miku. When they entered through the front doors, they noticed the girls setting up in the common room.

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