Chapter 77: Just Us Now

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Katsuki Bakugo's POV

It didn't take long for me to get to my room and change into a fresh new pair of clothes. I decided to wear a white T-shirt that had an 'O' in brackets on the left side of my chest in black. The sleeves went down to my elbows with red and white striped wristbands on my left wrist and black fingerless gloves on both my hands. My rugged ripped jeans were black and my dark green and orange high top running shoes.

Shoving my phone into my back pocket, I left my room with an eye roll and yawn. To be honest, I couldn't wait for this hell hole of a night to be over. I already have to spend stupid remedial classes with IcyHot for our licenses, so why do I have to keep being around him?

Soon reaching McDrawer's room, I basically banged on her door with my strong-ass heavy fist. And unfortunately, stupid Scarface answered the door. He wore a black T-shirt with white at the sleeve and bottom tips with red and white bands around his right wrist that I remember Miku telling me that McDrawer got for him. His jeans were a smooth black and his running shoes blue with navy blue straps wrapped around the blue felt and white at the soles and bottom of the shoes.

"Oh. Hello, Bakugo. You're..." the idiot looked down to his phone screen that lit up with a picture of McDrawer in that red dress from today smiling with peace-signs held up to the sides of her chest, "... actually a minute early. I thought we'd have to wait fo—"

"Don't even finish that damn sentence, you bastard." I immediately shoved the idiot out of the way so I could at least enter this damn room! As soon as I snatched one of McDrawer's beanbags to sit on, Miku barged onto me with a hug, flinging her arms around my neck and aggressively shoving me down onto the beanbag I stole.

"I'd thought you'd be casually late, Katsuki! Wow, I am shocked!" My girlfriend squinted her eyes shut with an adorable chuckle and grin, her knees on top of my lap. "Does everyone think I'd be late, my God." I scoffed. Unpleasantly to my ears, McDrawer spoke up with her hands on her hips. "Yep."

When I finally managed to get Miku off of me and adjusted my seat on the beanbag, I took into account the matching outfits her and Freitas were wearing. Miku wore a white sweater with a black Sailor Moon print in a black box with the character's name bolded in red at the bottom of the box, a navy folded skirt with navy blue stockings that went up past her kneecaps to show a bit of skin between her skirt and stockings, and white thick two inch heels that were pink on the bottom with Sailor Moon's symbol, wrapped in blue at the top with white straps, and a large pink bow on the back of the shoe with Sailor Moon's gem in the middle.

 Miku wore a white sweater with a black Sailor Moon print in a black box with the character's name bolded in red at the bottom of the box, a navy folded skirt with navy blue stockings that went up past her kneecaps to show a bit of skin between he...

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