Chapter 19: Smartie-Pants

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Vanessa Freitas' POV

When I finished pulling Todoroki to the battle arena, I wished him good luck before we parted ways. I made my way back to my class' seats and took my seat next to Miku.

"Hey, you okay now?" Miku asked me, a clear look of concern on her adorable face. I couldn't help but giggle as I gave her a smile, "Yeah, much better." She smiled while I spotted Eijiro arriving at our seats.

"Hey, Eijiro! You did amazing against Bakugo. I'm really sorry you lost." I got up and reassured the redhead as I brought him into a hug. We stood like that for a couple seconds before Eijiro broke the hug and placed his right hand on the back of his neck. He gave me one of his big, toothy grins and laughed. "Don't feel sorry, Vanessa! I tried my best!" I smiled softly and led him to sit next to me. Miku was on my right while Eijiro was on my left, and Kaminari was sitting beside him.

Miku, Eijiro, Kaminari, and I chatted so much that we didn't even realize that the battle between Todoroki and Iida had started. I immediately paid attention to the battle arena and internally wished Todoroki good luck.

Todoroki sent a wave of ice at Iida with his foot then hand which Iida both dodged. It would be kind of difficult for Todoroki to catch him because of his Quirk. But what Iida didn't realize was that Todoroki had made an ice wall to surround him. "Oh, Iida's been surrounded!" Present Mic yelled, and my eyes widened.

Iida then jumped over the ice wall, "Wow, a standing long jump!" As Present Mic exclaimed that I clenched my fists in fear and got ready for what was to happen next. Iida then charged up his Recipro and attempted to kick Todoroki, but he dodged the attack. Iida then did another kick from behind Todoroki and slammed him to the ground.

"A direct hit!" Present Mic yelled again and I shoved my hands over my mouth, beginning to panic. Todoroki's a ranged fighter. With a combat fighter like Iida, he's at a disadvantage. Iida then grabbed Todoroki by the back and ran with him towards the end of the battle arena. He's going to throw Todoroki out of bounds!

However, before he could throw him out of the boundaries, he froze on the spot. His engines were frozen in ice! A sharp gasp left my lips. Todoroki froze the ground while he froze Iida's body to immobilize him, and once he was fully frozen, Midnight pointed her baton and yelled, "Iida is immobilized! Todoroki wins!" Gasping in shock, I cheered for Todoroki as he unfroze Iida and made it off the stage.


The next battle between Bakugo and Tokoyami was going to begin soon. I knew that Miku wanted me to watch this with her, so I didn't have enough time to make it to see Todoroki and get it back in time for the match. I was so proud of him making it into the finals but I couldn't tell him in person. Also, if Bakugo won the next match, Todoroki and Bakugo would have to battle for first place... which scared me since Bakugo can be very ferocious.

I took out my phone and logged onto Todoroki and I's iMessages.

Vanessa Freitas
Hey, Todoroki! You did amazing against Iida! You're such a smartie-pants, trapping him in the ice wall and freezing his engine. Good luck in the final round, I'll be cheering you on! 🏆

Todoroki ❤️🤍
Thank you, Freitas. I will do the best I can.

I smiled as a faint blush crept up onto my cheeks. I shoved my phone in my pocket and faced Miku. She was clapping her hands together with a dumb look on her face. "You're fangirling. I can tell you're excited for the next round—" "Of COURSE I am! Bakugo's next!" I giggled as Present Mic announced the next match.

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