Chapter 40: The Pussycats

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3rd Person POV

It was now the next day, marking the start of Class 1-A's training camp. The students stood in front of Mr. Aizawa at the front gates of U.A., their uniforms on and bags packed on the bus.

"Now that you've finished up your first semester at U.A. High, it's time for summer vacation to officially begin." their homeroom teacher began, "However... Don't think these will be months of rest for you heroes-in-the-making. At this camp, we'll push you to go beyond your limits. You're aiming to become Plus Ultra." "Yes, sir!" The class responded, as the students scattered off into their own little groups.

"Oh my gosh, this is going to be so much fun!" Vanessa burst in excitement to her bestie, both girls having their fists pumped to their chests. "I know! And apparently we're going to train a lot to improve our Quirks. This'll be great for me... since I don't have control over freezing all time around me yet like I did against you-know-who." Miku whispered the last part, not wanting anyone to question why she chose to keep someone's identity a secret so as to not stir up rumours.

Vanessa nodded with a sweet hum, "Yeah, and I need more practice drawing objects with more complex factors...! So this is goi—" "GAH! Let's hear it for camp!" Ochaco, out of nowhere, burst, clapping her hands together with a massive blush on her face. "Camp! Camp! Camp!" Mina and Kaminari joined in, clapping and cheering with the brunette. And then there was the voice that bothered all of Class 1-A...

"I heard some of Class A is taking extra courses." Neito Monoma taunted from Class 1-B, a hand on his forehead with a massive grin on his face, "Does that mean they actually failed the final exams? That must be so embarrassing. Especially since you're supposed to be so much better than my class! All of you must be wallowing in shame—!"

Monoma let out a shriek when Itsuka Kendo karate-chopped the back of his skull, causing him to fall to the floor. "Sorry! Don't mind him!" she apologized with a bright smile as she dragged him behind Class B's bus.

"Monoma's the worst." Miku groaned a sigh as she crossed her arms. Vanessa nodded with a sigh, "I know, right..."

"Attention, Class A, our bus is here! Everyone line up in seating order!" Iida's booming voice yelled as he waved his hands around, acting like his usual self. "Good thing to know Iida hasn't changed." Vanessa joked, and the two girls laughed at her response.


Class 1-A was now on the bus, everyone taking their seats, as the bus was now on the road. Miku and Vanessa sat at the back of the bus, and since that row was meant for four people to sit, they decided to use the extra space to play the new RWBY card game Miku bought.

Suddenly, Mr. Aizawa's voice rang through the bus, "Here's the deal. We'll be on this bus about an hour before our first stop. Make sure you stay focused." "Why aren't we blastin' some music?!" Kaminari exclaimed from one of the front seats. Aoyama was posing against the wall, making Iida freak out, "No one should be standing! That is a safety hazard! Please stay seated!"

"Heheheeee..." Vanessa chuckled evilly, placing down a card from her deck. "I use Yang! My best girl to win this game! She punches through Pyrrha's defenses and does 120 damage to your defense tower... destroying it!" "Aw— Shit!" Miku freaked... but then crazily smirked with her own evil plan.

"Fine. If that's how you wanna be, then I choose Weiss! My best girl! She uses her Semblance to completely destroy your boss tower!" "What?! Aw man, you win again." Vanessa pouted, then put on her acting charm. "I hate this game of emotions we play!" Vanessa acted like Weiss, and the two girls laughed it off until they couldn't anymore. "That's three me, zero you, Vanessa."

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