Chapter 61: Promise

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Katsuki Bakugo's POV

"We won't rest until our missing student is returned to U.A." Principal Mouse finished, and I was now free from my chair. "Hah! Did ya hear the teachers? They get me more than I thought." I screamed at those idiots, my hands out at my sides ready to use my Quirk, "I'll never join your League of Bastards!"

I smirked a large grin. They went through the trouble of mounting a huge attack, all just to bring me back here. The idiots even told me what they wanted. For me to join their pathetic group. Which means I know they won't kill me. What a bunch of amateurs. I thought to myself as I played with my hands, ready to use my Quirk. I gotta take a couple of 'em down quick, and get the hell outta here...!

"We may not be at camp, but I'm still allowed to fight!" The villain losers talked some shit before I could speak up again, "I only do whatever I want to, and I won't even pretend otherwise. And I'm tired of being surrounded by a bunch of lame-ass wannabes."

The hand guy slowly moved his hand towards his face hand mask, but the portal guy was fast to try to stop him. "No, Tomura Shigaraki. Be calm!" The guy called Shigaraki instead held his hand up protectively, blocking the villain wannabes from me. "Don't lay a finger on him. Any of you." He smirked devilishly, glaring at me with his bright red eyes. "You can lay your fingers on the girl. Then we'll see if he'll join."

What?! What gi—?!

My mind instantly froze when they carried Miku out in a chair the same as mine.


The capture guy slid her into the center of the room. She looked unconscious, and her body was limp. Hand-Guy now spoke up, "Get on with it."

"NO!" I barged forward for Miku, but Magnet-Man and Lizard grabbed me so I couldn't move. "No..." I felt tears come to my eyes. No matter how hard I fought back, I couldn't escape their grasp.

The blonde psycho skipped into the middle of the room. She pulled out her knife and slid it over her left arm and leg multiple times, enjoying this immensely. The villains had to cover my mouth because I was obsessively screaming, tears rapidly falling down my cheeks. Another guy came up to her right side and burned her right arm and leg. I cried heavily through all of this, my eyes not leaving the pained expression on Miku's face.

The villains removed their hands from my mouth. At that moment, Hand-Guy approached me. I tried to fight back, but I couldn't, no matter what I did. "Now will you join us?"

He did this just so I'd join him?!

"I'll save her!" I cried, and he sighed with a chuckle. "Okay, then."

He walked over to Miku and held all ten fingers to her legs. "NO!" I screamed, but it didn't work. He used his Quirk. Her body began decaying from the ground up. Before her face turned to hard rock, her eyelids fluttered open. Her eyes met with mine before—

"NO!" I frantically sat up, and a shaken gasp left my lips. What?! Where am I?! I desperately looked around to notice that I was in my new room.

I sighed loudly, my hand to my chest. "It was just a shitty dream." Then, all of a sudden, someone knocked at my door. Who would be at my door at fuckin'... I looked at my clock beside my bed ... two in the morning?!

And then there was another knock, "Hey, Bakubro, you okay? I heard explosions coming from your room for the past five minutes." I rolled my eyes with a scoff, "I'm fine, Shitty Hair! Now, go back to bed, dammit!" "Okay...!" he chuckled from the other side, "Night, man!"

I didn't know I was creating explosions in my sleep. Must've been because I couldn't do it in the stupid fucking nightmare. I faceplanted the side of my head onto my pillow... before getting the best idea ever fucking created.

I reached for my phone on the nightstand, snatching the hell out of it and logging into me and Miku's chat.

Katsuki Bakugo
Hey babe. I know you're still up this early in the morning so I need you in my room

It didn't surprise me at all that she responded so quickly.

Yeah you caught me 😂 I was scrolling on TikTok. I'll be there soon

I tsked with a playful roll of my eyes... How could I have not fallen for this dork.


In around five minutes, I heard a quiet knock at my door. I sat up from my bed and walked to my door. Once I opened it, Miku stood in front of me with a look of confusion in her pretty amethyst eyes. She wore a pair of Sailor Moon pajamas with Luna slippers. I swear she's obsessed... but it's whatever.

"Are you okay?" She asked so innocently, her head tilted to the side, but I could hear the worry in her tone. Leading her to my bed after I shut my door behind us, we sat down on my bed.

Miku laid her head on my shoulder, "What's wrooooong...?" she yawned as she blinked, obviously struggling to keep her eyes open. I heard myself chuckle at how cute she could be, but my laughs soon faded.

I took her hand in my own, the heavy sweat on my palms getting onto her dry palms, "Last night I had a really vivid dream that had to do with the villains kidnapping me. I had another one this night. But this time, you were in it, and I..."

Miku's tired eyes looked up at me. I gripped her hand tighter than before, as a shaken breath escaped me, "I— You... died."

My girlfriend gasped, shock filling her stunning amethyst eyes. Another shaken breath left my mouth, "They kidnapped you along with me. They cut you up... burned you... and then turned you to rock that decayed right in front of me. The villains held me back, but because it was a stupid fucking dream, I couldn't escape their grip."

Finally having the—I'll admit it—courage to look back at Miku, I was met with her amethyst orbs full of clear tears. She was quick to jump onto me, wrapping her arms around my torso and shoving her face into my chest.

I started to tear up as well. Crying like a baby would be the absolute last thing I would ever do in public. But with Miku...

It's the only time I feel like I can break down in front of someone.

"A-And—" I sniffed, as I hugged my girl back, "And the last thing you saw before you disintegrated from the leader's stupid Quirk was me. And how I failed to save you—"

My voice cracked at the last word. I couldn't help it. I was acting like a fucking baby. Yet, this was the time to be one.

I felt Miku's soft hands rub my back, "It's okay." She whispered, before looking up from my chest and looking at me straight in my eyes, "I'll never leave you like that."

Finding my body relax at her comfort, I managed to calm my sniffles a little. After I rubbed them away with my arm, I rested my head on top of hers.

"You promise?" I asked in almost a whisper, and she hummed as she rested the side of her face onto my chest, closing her eyes with a gentle smile.


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