Chapter 56: The Symbol of Peace

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3rd Person POV

The six soon landed near the station, using Vanessa's large parachute drawing to make a safe and soft landing.

As soon as Miku released herself from Iida, she sprinted into Bakugo's arms, and a quick, soft gasp escaped his lips just before she jumped onto him. Fortunately, he was quick to grab her from the back of her thighs so she didn't end up making him fall onto the ground, and she took this opportunity to jump up and wrap her legs around his waist.

She quickly attached her lips to his, getting her hands lost in his soft, messy hair. Kissing her back for two seconds with a smile on his lips, he let go of the back of her thighs and she gasped through her lips as she fell onto her feet. Miku glared up at Bakugo with a pout, and he chuckled, ruffling the hair on the top of her head with his sweaty hand.

"Ok, let's go." Midoriya stated in a panic, and everyone nodded—besides the couple—and he guided his group to the nearby station.

On their rush to the station, Miku refused to let go of Bakugo's hand, gripping it tighter than ever as she continuously kept her body up against his. "I missed you so much...! I'm so glad you're back...!" She softly wept, and Bakugo gave off a very rare warm smile, leaving a soft kiss on the top of his girlfriend's head. "Heh. Glad to be back—"

"I'm gonna kill you for not taking my hand." Miku growled like an animal, her hand gripping Bakugo's even tighter to the point that for a second he feared she would break his hand... He chuckled nervously.

Once Midoriya and the others reached the station, Vanessa's phone suddenly buzzed and she quickly took it out of her purse. What didn't surprise her though was who the caller was.

"Hello?" "Vanessa. Are you guys safe?" The brunette chuckled at the sound of her boyfriend's concerned voice, and she hummed sweetly, "Yeah, Sho, we are. How about you and Yao-Momo? No one saw you?" "I don't think so. We're on the street, blending in with the crowd now. Some pros are here helping people evacuate." "Good. We've stopped in front of the station. Fortunately, we managed to miss the last shockwave. Midoriya's rescue plan totally worked!" Vanessa cheered, but Bakugo did not like that specific detail...

"A rescue?! That's not what happened back there...! You idiots just happened to be my best escape route!" The sandy blond snapped, and Miku laughed while Kirishima burst forward with a bright and toothy grin, "You're welcome!" The redhead gave his friend a thumbs-up, while Bakugo gave the others an annoyed look, "I had to get out of there so I could get out of All Might's way."

"Vanessa?" Todoroki asked into the phone, Vanessa quickly catching on that she left her boyfriend on hold. "Sorry, hun! I've gotta go. Please don't be mad...!" Todoroki chuckled from the other side of the call, "I could never be mad at you."

Feeling her cheeks tint pink, Vanessa sarcastically laughed, "Ha-ha, stop it. I love you, Sho." "I love you too, princess." "See you soon." "Yeah. See you soon." After Vanessa hung up, she went over to Kirishima to stand beside him, since Miku was clearly never letting Bakugo out of her grip, let alone her sight.

Vanessa rested her elbow on her redheaded bro's shoulder, leaning onto him for support, "What a day, huh Eij?" Kirishima sighed in disbelief with a soft chuckle, "You got that right, Ness. It's been one crazy da—"

All of a sudden, the delighted redhead was cut off by the large TV built into one of the nearby buildings. And before he could continue, the newscaster came on, frightened as ever.

"The scene below is straight out of a nightmare. Half of Kamino Ward was demolished in a single, horrifying instant...! All Might is currently fighting the villain who appears to have caused the blast. I can't believe it! How is one person so powerful?! He's destroyed the city and is more than holding his own against the Symbol of Peace!"

The students looked in fear at All Might coughing on the screen, struggling to keep up the fight. And then out of nowhere...

All Might was revealed to be nothing but a skeleton. Just skin and bones.

"Uh. What's wrong?" The reporter freaked out, "Is— Is everyone else seeing this?! It looks like All Might's been shrunk somehow!"

Everyone was more than surprised, especially the young heroes. How could All Might become this?

Was this... his true form?

Bakugo stared up at the person he admired his entire life in this state. And yet...

"Win..." he mumbled a whisper, and Miku's eyes darted to him. Although his terrified eyes never left the screen, his hand holding hers tightened, and she gripped it back.

Everyone cheered for All Might as loud as they could, especially Midoriya and Bakugo, their roars echoing for miles.

Even though he was stuck in this weak state, All Might continued to stand, to fight. With the assistance of other pros that covered for him and encouraged him on...

And with one... final blow, All Might punched the villain to the ground and a massive gust of wind essentially equal to a tornado surrounded him and the boss villain.

... There was silence. Pure and empty silence.

Standing over the boss villain, his body struggling to continue standing, his posture slouched and head hanging low... All Might transformed into his muscle form, stood tall and raised a fist to the sky.

"All Might wins!" The reporter announced in shock, and everyone burst into loud, roaring cheers. "The villain's not moving! He's knocked out! All Might stands victorious! He's saved us yet again!"


Heroes and policemen began dealing with the leftovers of the fight. The teens tried to leave the area, but they couldn't find an exit.

Iida grunted, "We can't go anywhere! I wish we could find Todoroki and Yaoyorozu." "Let's just head that way. We should let the heroes know we got Bakugo in case they're looking for him." Kirishima suggested, and Iida nodded in response, "Good idea."

The teens began to walk off, Miku refusing to let go of Bakugo's hand. However, Midoriya turned around when All Might pointed to the cameras...

"Now." All Might paused, and Midoriya turned around fully. "Now. It's your turn."

The crowd cheered at these simple few words, while Vanessa felt a few tears of happiness spring to her eyes, sniffling them away.

To the casual listener, that brief message seemed like a warning directed at other criminals still out there. But, for Midoriya, it meant the exact opposite.

'I've done all I can.'

Midoriya brung his knuckles to his eyes, crying heavy tears because he knew he now needed to live up to All Might's legacy as the inheritor of One For All more than ever...

... All the while Bakugo watched his childhood friend's completely opposite reaction to everyone else... growing suspicious.

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