Chapter 9: The U.S.J. Incident

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Vanessa Freitas' POV

We had finally arrived at the USJ after that super awkward bus ride. Because of Miku slapping Kaminari, Bakugo complimenting Miku, and Kirishima stopping all the chaos that ensued, I was relieved to finally get out of the awkward atmosphere.

At the USJ we met the pro hero Thirteen who instructed us on what we would be doing here. We would need to get into groups of two or three and we would each be assigned a different location in the building to fight.

After what Bakugo said on the bus, Miku has been super awkward with our classmates and was sticking to me like a magnet. When we agreed on being a group, a boy I thought would have to be forced into a group came up to me.

"Hello Freitas. Hello Yui." Todoroki suddenly approached us, and I felt my cheeks tint pink. "Oh, hi Todoroki! What brings you here?" I asked him with a sweet smile as I folded my hands in my lap. "I was wondering if I could be a part of your group." He casually asked, and I I felt my cheeks begin to burn up; I locked eyes with the ground.

"W-Why would you want to join our group when there are plenty of others you can be a part of?" I asked, continuing to blush. Miku was still being shy and holding onto me for dear life so trying to hide my face from Todoroki wasn't successful. "Well, the two of you have powerful Quirks and I think we could get along pretty well as a team." he told me, before cracking a tiny smile. As soon as Miku looked up though, it went away.

Why did his smile fade away when Miku looked up? I wondered to myself.

"O-Okay then, you can definitely be a part of our group!" I cheered and smiled, "Welcome to the group, Todoroki!" He nodded and left to go somewhere? "Hey Todoroki—! Where are you going?!" I yelled at him, scared that I was too cheery for his interest. "I'm going to tell Thirteen that we are a team," he stated, turned around, and continued to walk off. "Oh you don't need to Todoroki, I can do it!" I said, running up beside him with Miku standing where our team would re-meet. "No, it's fine, Freitas, I can do it. You should go support your friend, she had a tough bus ride." Todoroki told me and once again, turned around and continued to walk. I stood there and once again, my cheeks blazed.

He's really sweet...

I walked over to Miku and we gripped each other's hero costumes, continuing to be blushing messes together.


When all the groups were decided, Thirteen instructed Miku, Todoroki, and I to go to the Landslide Zone. As our group made our way to our area, I couldn't help but continue to glance at Todoroki. When we were walking around the mountain in the Landslide Zone, I was glancing at him again and he caught me—

I quickly turned my head the other way and mumbled, "Shit..." underneath my breath. Great, now he most likely thinks I'm a creep...

When USJ-produced enemies had shown up, we were easily able to defeat them, but none of us knew what was coming next.


3rd Person POV

Miku, Vanessa, and Todoroki had been battling USJ monsters for a while when the famous League of Villains had suddenly showed up.

"What?! Why are they attacking?! Oh no we're not prepared! We're gonna die today and I lived my life as a stupid crybaby—" Before Vanessa could even finish her sentence, she was on the floor. Her head was covered by the hands on the ground and she was starting to cry. Miku immediately rushed towards Vanessa and gave her a side-hug. "We're not gonna die, Vanessa. We have Thirteen, Mr. Aizawa, and All Might here to help us! If villains attack us, all we've got to do is defend ourselves!" Vanessa continued to sob until she felt a warm hand rubbing circles in her back, but it wasn't Miku's.

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