Chapter 5: Expulsion

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3rd Person POV

As soon as Mr. Aizawa said they were having an assessment, some students—like Vanessa and Midoriya—started panicking while everyone else was just plain-out shocked and confused as to why they were having an assessment on their first day!

All twenty two students of class 1-A left the room and headed to the change rooms to change into their gym uniforms. After everyone had changed, all the students met their teacher outside of the gymnasium.

"Ok everyone we will be having a Quirk assessment test." Mr. Aizawa told his class. "A Quirk assessment test?" the entire class questioned. "You kids have been doing this since middle school, too, right? Physical fitness tests where you weren't allowed to use your Quirks. In middle school, what was your best result in the softball throw?" Mr. Aizawa asked Bakugo. "67 meters." Bakugo replied to Mr. Aizawa, which caused Miku to blush. She quickly calmed her blush though, not really understanding why her body was reacting in such a way.

"Then, try doing it with your Quirk." Mr. Aizawa then told him. And so, Bakugo grabbed a ball and threw it while using his quirk, screaming, "Die...!" in the process. "Die?!" Miku gulped under her breath, and Vanessa just sighed in defeat.

Mr. Aizawa looked away from his phone and looked at us, "That is the most rational way to form the foundation of a hero." He showed us Bakugo's score which was 705.2 meters! The entire class let out huge gasps while Miku's heart began to beat faster.

All of a sudden, Aizawa looked at his students with a sinister look and smirked madly, "All right. Whoever comes in last place in all eight tests will be judged to have no potential and will be punished with expulsion."

"Huh?!" our entire class gasped in horror. They could not believe this was happening! One of them was going home today...

Vanessa gulped, her pits beginning to sweat excessively. Her parents had already bought an apartment near Miku's dad's house, and her belongings were currently being shipped to Japan... so there was no way she could afford to be expelled

"Welcome to U.A.'s hero course!" Aizawa exclaimed, as if to say that this was their school life now. A huge test on the first day of school? You know Vanessa was already tearing up out of fear and stress of all the money that had been spent for her to live here being thrown in the trash.

"Last place will be expelled?" Uraraka asked our teacher, frightened. "But it's only the first day of school! No, even if it wasn't the first day of school, this is too unfair!" "I agree!" Vanessa burst out, shocking Miku that she would stand up to her teacher like this. "If you wanted to go talk with your friends at Mickey D's after school, too bad. For the next three years, U.A. will do it all to give you one hardship after another. Go beyond. Plus Ultra." Aizawa paused after his speech, before saying "All right, demonstration's over. The real thing starts now."

First up was the 50 meter dash. Vanessa had full confidence in this test while Miku was worried. The two of them went together in this test. 'Ready? Go!" the robot voice said. Vanessa ran without using her Quirk and got 4.96 seconds. Miku, on the other hand, got 6.19 seconds. They both congratulated each other after the race and began to watch the others.

They then did a long jump, which Vanessa hated. Miku jumped and got a far distance but Vanessa, not so much. Vanessa was covered in sand after she fell and Miku helped clean it off of her.

When it came down to the ball-throw, Miku was up first. She froze the ball and hit it with a lot of force, before releasing time on it and sending it flying into the sky (like stasis in BOTW). Her score read 528.9 meters and she jumped for joy. Next up was Vanessa. She took her drawing board out of her belt and drew a cannon. She put the ball in the cannon and sent it flying. The score read 684.3 meters. The two girls hugged each other and jumped with joy even more.

Miku Yui's POV

All of a sudden, after Midoriya threw his ball, Bakugo started to create mini explosions and got mad for some reason. "What is the meaning of this!?" he asked Midoriya, pissed off as he activated his Quirk in his sweaty palms. "Deku, you bastard— Tell me how you did that or you're dead!!" Bakugo ran towards Midoriya, ready to fight, but Mr. Aizawa caught him in his scarf. "Geez... Don't keep making me use my Quirk over and over." Mr. Aizawa sighed and let go of Bakugo.

"We're wasting time. Whoever's next, get ready." Mr. Aizawa said and walked away, leaving Bakugo on his lonesome, incredibly pissed off. I decided to do something really stupid and I went up to him.

"Hey, Bakugo?" He looked up at me with a really angry look on face. But once he looked up, his face started to get less angry. "You... Yui, why are you talking to me right now, go away, you idiot!" I silently gasped, hurt at what he said, but still continued to talk. "You remembered my name, Bakugo?"

He made a "tsk" sound and turned his head to the right. "I said go away, dumbass..." I frowned and walked away, accepting my defeat. Vanessa saw everything and gave me a hug, and I fell into her embrace.

Vanessa Freitas' POV

We continued to do the rest of the tests. We did sit-ups which we were amazing in. We then did seated toe-touches which wasn't too hard for me because of dance class, but I did have to help Miku out a bit. We also did a long-distance run where I aced in and Miku did really well also. However, throughout all the rest of the tests, I couldn't stop thinking about how devastated Miku was. I felt so bad for her that I didn't even pay attention to the book-boy when he was near me when we were standing outside to figure out our scores.

I looked up at the board to see that I was in 8th place! Oh, thank God! I looked to see where Miku was and she was in 9th place! "I got ninth place because of all the running!" "Oh, shut up." I told her, while we both laughed with joy. I looked at the bottom of the board to see that Midoriya was in last place. Oh no, poor kid. I really liked him, he was so kind. I frowned, knowing he was going home, when Mr. Aizawa's voice spoke.

"By the way, I was lying about the expulsion."

We all stood there in shock when we all started a cheer. "You guys didn't figure it out? Sorry I guess I should've said something." Yaoyorozu apologized with a hand on her hip. "Yeah, you think?" a lot of our classmates responded with dumb looks on their faces. I, for one, was glad that nobody would be expelled, especially since Midoriya could be a great friend.


It was now lunch and after the huge mess of a villain-drill we had, me and Miku needed food. We sat at a table by ourselves when Uraraka came up to us with a smile on her face. "Hey Yui and Freitas! I was wondering if you guys would like to eat lunch with me, Midoriya, and Iida." "If that's ok with Miku then I'm all in!" I replied as I looked to my best friend, who nodded with a smile. "Yeah it's ok." And so, Miku and I stood up with our lunch trays and went to sit in a booth with Uraraka, Midoriya, and Iida.

"That villain-drill was CRAZY! Great job doing that whole thing Iida." "Thank you Freitas, I appreciate that." He did a silent bow and we all laughed. For the rest of lunch, we all just chatted about all of our interests and I got quite a lot of questions from the three about my life back home. I'm glad Miku and I could make some friends.

Ice, Fire, Love, Explosion: Season 1 | My Hero AcademiaWhere stories live. Discover now