Chapter 96: Excited Yet Nervous

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3rd Person POV

At long last, it was the night before the U.A. Cultural Festival.

AKA, the night before the big day... and Class 1-A was getting in one final practice in the gym.

"We'll have to clear out of the gym soon, but we should have enough time for one more run through...!" Kirishima yelled from the sidelines. He, Sero, and Miku sat on the floor in front of the stage, but still far away. Koda also stood next to them. Meanwhile, Todoroki stood on stage to monitor the stage and see if Vanessa needed any help with some new partner ideas.

Speaking of Vanessa, she clapped her hands really fast three times as she glared at the dance team all in their positions, her elbows resting on her crutch pads. "Alright, again!" She snapped, then clapping her hands on every beat, "One, two, three, and four! Five, six, seven-and-eight!"

"Wow, that was great, everybody!" Mina squealed in excitement, since everybody was able to perform greatly. And even though Iida was doing the moves with stiff-ass robotic movements, Vanessa had decided to just let him be; He was a lost cause, and she knew that was the best their president was ever gonna do.

"Then Aoyama goes to the center and Midoriya books it off stage!" Vanessa yelled as he pointed her right index finger to the center, leaning onto her left crutch. "On it!" "Midoriya!!" The green haired yelped and turned back nervously to Vanessa just as he was about to go to Aoyama, "You're lacking passion and excitement! You have to get it on!!" Her tone increased at the end in sternness. "Ah! Roger!" Midoriya stuttered in fear at Vanessa's scary tone, before he finally ran off to Aoyama.

"I was sacred we were gonna seem like amateurs, but things are looking good." Sero stated in shock, "The band and dance teams are stepping up their games and putting in the work. Guess it helps that Vanessa's a merciless coach." "Oh trust me, she can get really serious with it." Miku giggled as she motioned over to Vanessa who was screaming at the dance crew very sternly. "Oh yeah, I can tell." Sero replied with a smirk, which made him, Miku, and Kirishima chuckle in laughter.

"Yeah, well, dancing's Ness' thing. So, whenever she's needed for it, she takes it seriously." Kirishima softly said with a warm smile. "Very seriously." Miku added, and the three laughed once more.

Kirishima then brightly grinned, "Also, I think Bakugo fired everyone up and not just the band members." "Hmm, he has the tendency to do that." Miku giggled a reply, glancing over at her boyfriend who looked super annoyed with his hands shoved in his pant pockets.

"I'll admit, I am getting a little nervous." Yao-Momo said with painfully closed eyes as she pretended to play the keyboard. Kyoka strummed an imaginary guitar in her hand, "Hey, don't improvise during the actual concert." "Huh?" Bakugo growled back. "It's just not everyone can keep up with you."

"Why you gotta drag me down like that, Jiro??" Kaminari whined while he also pretended to hold a guitar. Nevertheless, Tokoyami placed his hand on the pikachu's shoulder, "You're not the only one she's talking about, friend."

"We need you up there now Midoriya, you gotta make sure you make it up there really fast!!" Vanessa screamed up at Midoriya who was holding Aoyama with the rope by Aoyama's clip-on chest brace. "When Aoyama's in place, get him in the air....!" stated Mina, screaming up to Midoriya as well. When Midoriya lifted Aoyama on, Mina cheered in excitement, "Like that! Awesome!" "Perfect!" Vanessa added.

Suddenly, the side door loudly slammed open to reveal Hound Dog. "IT'S ALREADY NINE O'CLOCK!!" He aggressively and obnoxiously shouted at 1-A, "STUDENTS SHOULD'VE CLEARED OUT OF THE GYM BY NOW!!"

"Crap, let's beat it!" Kirishima exclaimed as Hound Dog madly growled, and Class 1-A quickly ditched the place.


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