01| Snow Day

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New York had been blessed with a blanket of snow. What do you do when it snows? Sled. I searched the tower to find that there was only one thing I could use as a sled and it could end very bad for me. I knew what I had to do, I had to steal Steves shield. I snuck into his room and took it out of its display cabinet, yes he was that full of himself that his shield was on display when it wasn't in use. I ran outside with it in had and showed my find off to Peter.

"Parker I did a bad thing.."

He turned to see the shield in my hand.

"You did not just steal that!"

"Yeah I did.. we needed a sled so I found us one.."

"He's gonna kill you.. like dead dead."

"I know..."

We stood there for a moment, considering our next move very carefully. I thought about it and decided on implementing the rule of finders keepers.

"Look at me, I'm Captain America. Watch your language, I love America and I love Bucky"

"Y/N where did you go, I can only see Steve!"

We laughed and brought the shield up to the top of a hill. Peter held onto it so I could get in and then pushed me down the hill. On my way down I caught a glimpse of Steve, running towards me and he looked pissed. I panicked and used my powers to throw snowballs at him. I got to the end of the hill and picked up his shield to make a break for it.

"Y/N I'm gonna kill you!" Steve screamed.

"Told you!" Peter said as he joined the chase.

I was running around in circles and didn't know what my next move should be. Eventually, he caught up to me and grabbed the shield out of my hand.

"You could have broken that!"

"It literally made of vibrantium, I'm not gonna do much, chill Spangles"

" Okay then you could have scratched it!"

"Shut the fuck up, you petty son of a bitch!"

"I'm getting Tony.."

He dragged me into Tonys lab to tell on me, like a 4 year old.

"She stole my shield and used it as sled for the snow!"

"Wait Y/N.. you did what!" he said through his fit of laughter.

"I was looking for a sled, couldn't find one and so I just took it..."

"Oh wow your something else his, go back to Pete"

"Thanks Tony.. bye bye spangles!"

I left to fill Peter in on what happened and we heard Tony and Steve yelling.

"Tony you're turning that kid into you and that's not a good thing!"

"Yes Rogers! I'm an icon and you know it!"

"Oh sometimes I hate you Y/N"

"Love you bestie!"

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