085| Lie Detector Test

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This tower is full of liars.

What do I mean by that you may ask? Well people have secrets and to protect said secrets, they lie. Well not anymore, it's time to get things out in the open. We needed a lie director test and I hired a dude to help me out.

"I call interrogation room B!" I yelled, bringing the expert to sit and step up.

"You can't call an interrogation room, what if we-"

"For opening your mouth Steve, you get to go first!"

"Excuse me, what am I doing ?" Steve said, just knowing he would have to going to have to do whatever I made him do.

"I have hired a dude with a lie detector test, I feel like it would be fun.."  

A bit of a lie, thats iconic as hell bit anyways, this was going to unleash chaos and I was here for that level of carnage. Basically, I was bored and needed something to do.

I got Steve hooked up and decided upon using Loki as my co-detective to solve whatever crime was presented to us.

"Lets start, is your name Steve Grant Rogers?" I asked, just to see if this shit worked.


"That correct.." The dude who knew how this shit worked said.

"Now lets get properly started, have you and Bucky ever lived together?" I asked.

"Yeah, in the 30's.."

"And they were roommates!" I yelled, turning to Loki.

"Oh my god they were roommates.." He replied.

Steve was very confused, stupid old man syndrome or something. Needless to say, I had a big question on my mind.

"Have you ever had feelings for Bucky?"

"No.." He nervously said.

"Thats a lie-"

"WE GOT HIM!" I yelled, jumping out of the chair. giving Loki a high five.

"Wait no-" Steve said, but bestie there's no going back now.


After taking a moment to breath over the situation. Once Bucky had been set up and I had mentally prepared myself for what ever could occur.

"Okay Barnes, have you ever had feelings for Steve?"

"Sure.." He said, like it was fucking normal.

"Thats correct-"

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT-" I yelled, fucking losing it again.

I mean is this Steve and Bucky confirmed, we have one more question to confirm it.

"Did you have a threesome with Steve and someone else, preferably Peggy or Nat for my sanity.."

"Well I-"

"Suit up Barnes.." Tony said, barging into the room.

"Fuck off Tony, answer the question!"

"I get you will never know.." He said, followed by a wink as he unhooked himself from the machine. 

"Loki, replace him because if not I will murder Tony." I said, giving Tony the death stare as he took Bucky away from the question of a century.

"Did you get his number?" I asked,

"Who's number?"

"Don't play dumb whore, the barista!"


"That's a lie.."

"I fucking told you to do it! What about the girl in the dog park!?" I yelled.

"No.." He said, bestie I was rooting for you, we were all rooting for you.

"I said I would have done it for you!" I yelled again.

"But still!"

"Listen, Wanda wants us to go on a double date with a couple and I'm not going with Steve and Nat, well maybe now it's Steve and Bucky I don't know, anyways you have to go do it!"

"Fine, next time we get coffee we can ask him for his- wait what are you doing?!"

"Getting coffee, so are you lets go bitch-" I said, getting my coat and my Loki to get this man a date.

You're probably wondering what happened after the feelings reveal and to be honest, not as much drama as I wanted. I guess Harry Styles was right, were all a little bit gay. 

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