032| Mini Me

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I most likely should have gotten my band of baboons to got to Target with me. I had gathered my team and we had quite the selection of people.

1. Thor. Was hungry.

2. Steve. Our father.

3. Peter. Decathlon was cancelled and he had nothing else to do.

4. Bucky. Our cool Father.

5. Wanda. I liked it when Wanda came.

The Maximoff twins had been hanging at the tower for a while and I quite like their company. Pietro would have been with us today, except he didn't want to get out of bed. I feel you.

Once we were inside the doors of the super store, everyone had something they wanted to get.

"Alright! Everyone needs to shut up and one thing at a time!"

Literally these mother fuckers are getting on my nerves, it's my time to shine. After check the isles, I heard a gasp from Thor which cause us all to huddle around him, looking at his find.

"Its me! That's a fake hammer, why would they us a fake hammer?!"

"Because it obviously can't use the real one!"

"Look, it's the man of spiders!" Thor yelled in excitement.


A line of action figures, based off of the Avengers, had been released for purchase. They literally had one for everyone on the team, like even me.

"Wow, I look hot!"

Even masked up, I looked amazing. Tony wanted the whole double life for me, even thought I had only been in one public battle. I still wasn't trust ed not to die.

"Steve, can we get them?" Thor pleaded.

"Only if there's one for everyone!"

In the end, we spent over $300 on our own line of toys. We were that excited that the trip was cut short, causing us to get literally none of what we came for.

"Tony, come see!"

"What did you do now, get another dog?!"

Yeah after my previous stunt with Gus, surprises were banned, at least if they came from me.

"No dumbass, look!"

I pulled out his little action figure and handed it to him. He let our a small chuckle before bringing me to everyone else so they could see their toys.

"They just can't get my hair right!"

"Nat, that shit changed like every week.." I laughed.

After a while, things were quiet. I hadn't seen Peter in a while and was getting concerned before I found him.

"I aM tHoR, sOn Of oDiN-"

"The fuck are you doing!"

I caught him by surprise, he was definitely not expecting anyone to see him.

"I'm not making fun of Mr. Thor!"

I looked at his concerned face for a moment, before making my choice.

"Give me Steve. I wanna roast this son of a bitch"

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