081| Shoot Your Shot

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I am unsure as to how you fire a gun.

I basically am armed with fire, but Steve thought it was about time I learned.

"What do you mean you don't know how to fire a gun!"

So he was just a tiny bit concerned and decided at that very moment he was gonna teach me. I mean I had to walk my dog, who's gonna do that know smarty pants?!

"Okay, today I'm going to teach you-"

"Shouldn't Bucky do this? Didn't he like kill a bunch of dudes with that swagger gun?"

"Shut up and get into the correct stance!" He remarked, pushing me to do what I was told. Bitch you are not the boss of me, technically my girlfriend is because if Wanda says no, you don't push your luck. I've learned from experience, she scary sometimes, real scary.

"Okay with this you hold it like this.." He said, demonstrating and handing it off to me.

"Okay.." I replied, following his orders perfectly, because I'm that bitch.

"Now you just gonna want to load it and aim.."

I followed the orders, it was only a simple hand gun so I guess I would be fine, right?

"When you pull the trigger, make sure you follow through. Go for the target.." He said.

"Whats the target? Oh is it that big red circle?!" I said with sarcasm.


Just what? Fire the gun? Cause you know I did that over and over again. I mean this shit was fun. 

"Again!" I yelled, reloading.

"Y/N, don't get trigger happy-"

"Too late!" I yelled, firing some more bullets at the target.

After a while, once Steve was sure I had worn myself out, he was focused on sitting me down to lean how to clean a gun and have a heart to heart with his kid.

"Why did I need to learn this, I'm literally powerful as shit?" I asked.

"In case you in a situation where you can't use your powers, you can use a weapon.." He responded.

"I fucking look at things and they float.." I replied, looking at a dagger on the table allowing it to just float in the air as my demonstration.

"It happens, it happened to Wanda-"

"Come again?"

Um excuse me, who hurt my girlfriend? Because I will kill them, like dead dead.

"Back when we were fighting Ultron, Clint used this thing that basically fried her brain temporally, like an electric shock-"

Before he could finish the story I teleported out of there to give that dumb bitch Katiness Everdeen a piece of my mind.

"Tony, we have a code magenta!" Steve said once Tony picked up the phone.

"Who is she trying to kill now?" Tony said in panic.

"Clint, after the whole electrocuting Wanda back in the day thing, she may have a gun on her!"

"Was it your bright idea to teach my kid to use a gun?"

"I thought that our kid might need the training!"

So what did we learn today? I have a protocol incase I attempt murder, thats fun. I can use a hand gun, that's cool. Clint's a bitch, but we been knew. I just needed a reason to kick that annoying mother fuckers ass.

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