0135| Parents

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Did I almost forget to go to the meeting with my birthers, maybe.

Look I didn't really wanna be there, I hoped I never had to meet them for coffee ever again, but I needed to know.

I did arrive sort of late, choosing this time to get my coffee before sitting down. I didn't come to play, I mean I had questions and these hoes were the only people who could give me answers.

I mean that bitch Davina is like dead, can't really ask her. I sort of deaded her too, my bad. Yolo anyways.

When I sat down, they were all happy, I guess they thought I was here to ask to get the know them. Who's gonna tell them?

"So, y'all are liars.." I opened with, shocking them a tad bit.

"I'm sorry?" Gabriel responded.

"I've been strolling around, thinking I had some weird ass sexual name according to some prophecy yoke, turns out that was a lie-"

"We didn't lie about the prophecy.." Thalia interrupted.

"I'm speaking, don't interrupt.." I clapped back. "Your looking at 'Madam Mayhem', not 'Dominatrix'. You better have a good explanation for this, because I've had enough with everyone's bullshit.." I answered back.

"She told us we would never see you again if we didn't lie, we didn't want to but we had to get to know you.." Gabriel explained.

"So you chose to lie, that's how you wanted to build a relationship with me?" I responded.

"She wanted to destroy you for some reason, she said that if she died in the process she would have one more chance.." Thalia responded.

"If she believed that she could do that, she's dumber than I expected.." I said, leaning back in my chair with my cup in my hand.

"What?" Gabriel asked.

"As my future brother-in-law pointed out to me, it's a kinky ass name. Never was it released to the public. She could try, but I would and continue to outsmart her, always.." I said, sipping my drink.

"Is this why you wanted use here?" Thalia asked, as if it wasn't obvious.

"I think you should look at the facts, I'm happy with what I've got. You both missed your chance.." I said, giving them a reality check.

"Can't we just get coffee, maybe even discuss your life?" They bargained.

"I'm 17, I was robbed of a childhood because of the two of you. Imagine what it was like to grow up and not be loved by anyone? I don't want the people who made me hate life as a child. Nobody else is responsible but you.." I said, gathering my things and preparing to leave.

"We did everything we could to find you-"

"No Thalia, you fucked off the planet and that was that. I don't want to see or hear from you, you took away my innocents and I'm only now getting back on my feet.." I said, taking my things.

"But we-"

"Y/N out.." I said, giving them the finger before leaving the coffee shop.

It was the last time I saw them, ever. Did I care? Nope. I just keep living my life, putting these things behind me. Stay cool cowboys.

also i'm too tired and sick to edit this chapter so ye deal with it. i'm kidding love you all dearly <3

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