0157| Expore

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Tony had a very vivid dream about a chicken or an egg.

Well, which came first. Eventually, we ended up on the topic of space, from the dream he had that one time.

When Tony gets an idea such as that in his head, he doesn't let it go. So when he casually brought up the idea of spaceship building, we knew it was a plan he was gonna follow through with.

"So like, what's the end goal here?" I asked one morning, noticing Tony had decided to work through the night instead of sleep through it.

"Space, duh.." He tutted.

"But like, why? Because of the chicken and the eggs ordeal-"

"We don't need to talk about that.." He. sighed.

Maybe it's because a minor fight broke out between Tony and Reddit over it all.

"Why don't you just like, as Vision. Doesn't he know like, everything?" I asked.

"Vision was created by me, meaning he knows what I know. Since Bruce also made him and Bruce isn't sure on the answer, Vision doesn't know.." Tony explained.

"Wait is Vision then technically my brother!?" I yelled in complete confusion.

"I mean if you really think about it, yes, yes he is.." Tony said, followed by a laugh.

"You and Bruce's robot love child is my brother?!" I yelled again, still processing it.

"This has officially ruined my day. I need to get this off my mind, um, still why space?" I asked, moving on from the horrible subject, you know, being the head snitches sorta sister.

"I've been to every single country, all of them, like twice. It's time to broaden my view of things.." He shrugged as he looks at his blueprints.

"The guardians kidnapped me and took me to space, it is pretty cool.." I sighed.

"I forgot about that, huh.." He thought to himself.

After a few moments, I started to help out, Tony showing me how the controls would work. Apparently, there was a tone more work to do, so under no circumstances was I to fly the thing.

But the fact remains, I have done follow the rules, at all.

Later on, Captain Complains A Lot was bitching about someone or other that I did wrong.

"If you keep yelling at me I'm gonna run off to space in tony's new toy!" I yelled out mid-argument.

"Oh yeah, what about Wanda?" Steve said.

"She is welcome to join me!" I yelled again.

"You don't have the balls to-"

"In five seconds you won't have the mouth to finish that sentence.." I snapped back.

"Noted.," He said before continuing, "What about Loki or Peter or your parents?" He asked, crossing his arms.

"You can come to visit, if I still like you all!" I protested.

"And why wouldn't you like us?" He questioned again.

"You tell me, you're the one that drove me off to space!" I answered.

I think it was time to put the hypotheticals to rest, for now, anyway.

But I would steal the rocket thing, crash it into Sharon Carter, then get a good night sleep. Plan 247 on how to murder that bitch is now complete.

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