071| The Interview

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After that grand reveal that showed the world Tony had a super hot kid, people were hounding me for interviews. Fan behaviour much? Eventually I knew I had to speak with someone.

There was only one problem, this was going to be done live on TV with a bimbo Tony had slept with, so you could tell the dads were worried. I mean do they just not trust me or something?

"Here are the rules. No swearing-"

"Fuck off!"

"No doing that! No threatening to hurt or murder someone, no talk about Hydra, try and keep as much as you can a secret. No fire balls, fire sword, lighting things on fire or the fire breath thing" Steve said, listing things out on his fingers.

"I seem to be a little bit of a hazard apparently-"

"No Asgard talk, mission talk, talk about running away and for the love of god, don't get political!" Bucky added

"I'm not political!"

Incorrect. Your girl was a raging feminist who likes to murder homophobs and racists. 

"Do not bring up that the interviewer slept with me as well!" Tony said.

I mean I knew what I wasn't allowed to say, so nothing could go wrong. That's a bit of sarcasm for you because when do I actually do what I'm told?

"Good evening America, I'm Christine Everhart and tonight I will be getting and exclusive with the one and only Y/N Stark!"

"Let's hope hop she doesn't use fire.." Tony said, watching from behind the scenes with Steve.

I smiled and waved, came across as a sweetheart. I mean that was until I realised the common thread in the questions I was going to be asked.

"People have been commenting on you suit, do you think it's a bit too tight?"

"Excuse me?"

"Well it could be deemed distracting to the other men on the team-"

"I'm gonna have to stop you right there. I've been sat here patiently waiting for you to ask me a genuine question about my powers or super hero things but, your asking me things regarding me uniform?"

"It's a question, there's only 3 female avengers including yourself, don't that mean anything to you?"

"It does indeed, but I honestly don't see how a uniform can affect me being a female avenger. I honestly believe that if this was Captain America or Iron Man, you would be talking about actual hero stuff!" I said, slightly raising my voice.

"Let's just move on.. another question you seem to get asked a lot is regarding your relationship statues-"


"You have to answer the question.."

"It's my private, person life. I don't owe you an answer."

"So who's the lucky guy?"

Now this bitch was getting on my nerves.

"Who said I was straight? Thats a really bad assumption to make Christine, aren't you meant to be trained on how to properly interview people?"

"Can we just-"

"Let me ask you a question, is their one question on them little cards of paper that is regarding what I came here to talk about?"

Bestie was just silent, so I stood up to leave.

"Do you really expect to save the world acting and looking the way you do?!" She called as I was leaving the room.

"Yeah mother fucker that was always the plan! Heres your inside scoop, I am in a very loving relationship with a women, my suit is gonna look however the hell I want it to and I honestly do believe I had to kick you out of my dads Miami mansion after you slept with him" I yelled back, flashing her the middle finger.

I mean it only took twitter half an hour to have their opinions and apparently, I am the hot headed feminist and LGBTQIA+ icon the world never knew it needed. Even though Twitter loved me, the fathers were not impressed.

"You got political.."

"She didn't ask me one question about hero stuff, she asked me all the bullshit because I am a women!"

"I say we slash her tires.." Bucky said with his beer.

"Next time, don't do something like that on live TV!" Steve replied.

"Also you said, 'Yeah mother fucker that was always the plan'?"Tony quoted.

"Oh I was always gonna save the world and look hot ass fuck doing it, don't doubt that for a second"

"Where did we get this child from?!" Steve laughed.

"I don't know, but I believe she was dropped as a baby.." Bucky muttered.

"Probably.." I laughed back.

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