0156| Heart Stopping

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There is a terrible sentence your parent can say to you, one that was used on me today.

"Y/N, I found something in your room.."

Now Tony could have found any number of things, I mean the possibility's are endless.

He could have found Steve's shield, now covered in glitter and hello kitty stickers. But in my defence, he drew on my face in Sharpe when I was taking a nap. Well, he also only did that because I threw him in the pool. But then again I only threw him in there because he yelled 'language!' in my face again.

It's been a crazy ass week not gonna lie.

Tony could have also discovered the stack of failed tests. I mean it was a shared effort with Wanda since we are both really dumb and both share that bedroom.

I mean so technically anything Tony found could be deemed as not mine.

Tony also could have found Loki's big ass sceptre me and Peter had hidden from them. I mean they need to be pissed off at least once a week, for my entertainment.

I mean what if he looked under the bed? I could explain it. We were trying to build a bomb we just wanted to see if what Reddit said was fake or not.

We were gonna get return the Tonys old suit at some point, we just wanted to blow some things up. Although we did end up blowing the suit up, so, maybe he didn't want that back.

He could have discovered the secret knife stash that he thought he got rid of. Loki gives me them as a sign of friendship, they can be so cute when they don't want world domination. I mean they were very well hidden, but still.

Tony also could have found the Wakanda package Shuri sent me. It was an exact copy of Bucky's arm, it just included the disco mode option. So every time someone shouted, 'disco time', flashing lights would move from the arm. I think it's the best thing ever.

Maybe he found the pregnancy tests? No, I'm not with child and neither is Wanda, we just wanted to take them for fun. Although when Peter jokingly took one it was positive, so we may want to look further into that one.

Wait maybe he found Wanda's hamster. Did I forget to mention that she had one? It was a furry little dude named 'Alexander Hamsterton", you get the joke. Maybe Tony found him just vibing.

In conclusion to this sort of room tour, I have decided that whatever words next came out of Tony's mouth, I was in a large amount of trouble.

"A fucking uncooked rotisserie chicken!" He yelled.

Well then, I dodged a bullet. Unlike some people I know that get shot. I mean I've been shot, anyways.

I feel like I should explain the whole uncooked chicken thing but I'm not gonna. I should save my words for telling our stories. More pressing ones.

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