0101| Aftermaths

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So I was very quiet for a while.

I mean I had a lot of fun information to digest so for once, I actually shut my big ass mouth. People were highly concerned as to the fact that I wasn't talking, that were literally sending up insults for me to make and I just wasn't giving in. Thats when they knew something was very wrong.

"So we go in as a united force.." Tony said to the team of parents who were huddled up outside mine and Wanda's room. Yes we live together, get over it, such fan behaviour on your end.

"We just go in and see what's going down.." Bucky firmly said.

"So what if she doesn't talk to us, what do we do then big brain?" Nat asked, looking to the world class frisbee athlete.

"Then we.." He paused like an old man telling a story, "Lets just hope she talks.."

So they knocked on the door and I allowed them to be in my presence. They stood as a united front and began to talk and a group.

"We would like to discus what happened a few weeks ago, if thats okay with you sweetie.." Nat said, sitting in front of me.

"Okay.." I said.

"Wait what?! It was that easy to get you to talk?!" Steve said, "Why didn't you say anything?!" He said in a big ball of frustration.

"You didn't ask?" I said.

"We," he said, waving his hands to the other adults, "Thought you were in a dark place!"

"Well I'm not in Florida so I'm fine. I've made a power point for you losers!"

I mean I was craving a tiny bit of attention so my little presentation would allow me to properly yell at people now. Wanda was scared I wasn't going to be okay but I can assure you, I was quite dandy.

"So dicks, I guess its time for me to explain a bunch of things to you all.."

I scanned the room to see who was in there, so I could properly began of course.

"Look it's Dumbldore!" I yelled, pointing to Stephan who was standing in the back, "Care to inform me why a gang of elements and the fact that I am apart of some prophecy was not on your radar?"

So I guess certain members of the team were unaware of certain aspects of this situation.

"One thing, I am unaware of one thing-"

"Well bestie that one thing almost got me killed so.." I said, turning back to my presentation. "So basically, my parents were never supposed to fuck because if they did an all powerful hot person would be born and be apart of global take over-"

"So she could actually kill on men if she put her mind to it-" Peter whispered to Loki.

"Kid I have so many questions.." He whispered back.

"So then I went to meet the bitches that brought me into this world, they are named Thalia and Gabriel, and I discovered that they never actually wanted to abandon me.."

"Someone get this bitch on Doctor Phil-" Pietro yelled.

"Pipe down sonic, so anyways. Basically that hoe Davina snatched me after two months of not showing elemental control and dropped me off somewhere else. She's basically responsible for my entire life-"

"Well than thank you Davina.." Wanda whispered.

"So then I figures out that I'm something called the Dominatrix- stop laughing Pietro you kinky shit- and I was gonna kill everyone along side Davina. So I killed her. The floor is open to questions.."

"How can you fly?" Clint asked.

"I don't know, next?" I asked.

"Did your parents die?" Pietro asked.

"Steve, Tony, Bucky and Nat look very much alive to me-" I responded.

"Your birthers?" He asked again.

"Oh yeah, the incubators are alive and I have to have coffee with them.." I responded.

"Have to?" Tony asked, I guess he wasn't aware of this part in the tale.

"Oh yeah, I traded that for information my location when I was kidnapped. It was fun. Also they were the people in space who crash landed.." I laughed, coping mechanisms am I right?

"Anything else we need to know about?" Bucky asked with concern.

"My birthday was wrong, basically when I was in Wyoming, which I'm still not convinced is real, it was my real birthday. I can't believe you didn't buy me cake.."

They did indeed buy me cake that evening, I guess they felt bad or some shit like that. Things slowly did get back to normal might I add, all was right in the world. I got to make fun of Steve, I had my Wanda. The only thing that basically changed was my date of birth and now the fact that I call my real parents Dad and Mom. It causes some amounts of confusion.

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