082| A Child

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Never walk in front of Dr. Strange when he uses the eye of Agamotto.

Thanks to Sam and his odd fascination with the apple time thing, bad things occurred.

"Hey have you guys seen-"

By walking through that door, Strange had managed to turn me into a child. A four year to be exact. You know they could have just changed me back, but they didn't, because there dickheads.

"Don't change her back!" Tony yelled, snatching the little green rock from the doctor, I mean it probably wasn't his best idea.

"We have to, there's no discussion on-"

"Hi dad.." A young and not surprisingly adorable me said, pulling on Tonys trousers.

"I'll give you till the end of today.." Stephan said, realising that this was Tonys moment to father me, without the swear words and sarcasm.

"Hey kid, come on, we can go see the others.." He said, lifting me up and bring me to the living room.

Arriving into the living room was strange, not for tiny me I knew this place, but for the team. I mean Tony did just put the child down, allow to to run around, eventually ending up with Bucky with no explanation.

"That," Tony said, pointing to me who was attempting to pull the metal arm off of Bucky, ", is Y/N"

There was a lot of backlash, mainly from Wanda who was about to move mountains to get her girlfriend back. I mean I had never heard her swear so much.

"You turned my fucking girlfriend into a child?!" 

"Well actually, that was me.." Stephan said, owning up to it.

I however was completely unfazed. Steve and Bucky were playing with me and behind my back, Wanda was pursuing the act of attempted murder.

However what broke everyones argument was the little sneeze I did, throwing me somewhere else in the tower. I told you, this wasn't a good idea.

"She still has her powers, meaning a child is running around with fire!" Nat yelled before running out of the room to begin the hunt.

"What the fuck have you done with my kid.." Steve yelled, looking to Tony.

"Its our kid, and it was the wizard, not me! Just help me find her!" Tony responded, using JARVIS to find me.

If I'm honest, this was just and opportunity for little me to play hide and seek. I was located in one of the kitchens, who knew there were so many, where I found a little stash of candy to keep me occupied. Your girl was basically having the time of her life.

"Y/N, I swear that if you come out now I'll, bring you to the park! I don't know what kids do.." 

The sound of Nat approaching the kitchen caused me to stand up, although my head couldn't see over the island in the middle on the kitchen, she found me anyway.

"Sweetie hi," She said bending down to pick me up, "come one, your dads are looking for you.."

"Can we still go to the park?!" I asked, playing with Nat's hair.


I don't think I had ever seen Steve, Tony and Bucky more relieved then when Nat brought me to them in one piece. Like, Bucky was freaking the fuck out.

They did indeed bring me to the park, leaving Wanda at home due to the fact that they feared their lives. Tony was taking so many photos, probably only because there was about 6 baby pictures of me ever taken, he wanted some for himself. 

Bucky had me sat on his shoulders, allowing Nat and Steve to hold hands and walk behind us. They really wanted the most out of the day they would move on to be called a gift.

Once they arrived home, dinner was made, pictures were drawn and nobody was to leave my side. I was a safety hazard, I mean they weren't wrong to call me such a thing.

"Has anyone seen Y/N?"

Loki and I had plans, however greasy didn't know that your girl was currently in child mode. The dads just looked at him, then down at me.

"Please tell me that isn't Y/N..."

I got up, ran over to him. He picked me up, extending his arms as to not be completely holding me. I mean the look of disgust on his face whilst trying to figure out if this was an elaborate prank or not.

"Your hairs weird, do you shower?" I said, attempting to reach out to him.

"Okay this is Y/N, please change her back.." He said, hand me to Steve.

They decided that they wanted their kid back, well back to her correct age. So Stephan used the eye and the bad bitch herself had returned.

"I am going to fucking murder you all! You turned me into a child!? I will kill you-"

"And she's back.." The group laughed, although besties, I wasn't laughing. Sleep with one eye open for the rest of your life, you don't know what's coming.

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