0111| Pride

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I believe in protecting the girls, gays and theys.

What I mean by this is, no cops at pride, which is where Wanda and I would find ourselves all month long.

But the girls, gays and theys need protection. That's where the baseball bat idea came to mind.

"Can someone please take her meeting calling permissions away from her!" Steve said, entering the room.

"Steve, stop talking. As you all know it is pride month. Wanda and I will be attending and as will all of you-"

"But i have plans!" Peter interrupted.

"Sis thats homophobic, change them. Last week in my culture class we talked about police brutality, some of that will be going on at pride so anyone that does not have powers will be armed with a baseball bat!" I said, revealing a box filled with the things.

"Can I have the pink one!" Bucky yelled as they were being handed out.

"No give me the pink one!" Sam yelled, trying to snatch the thing off of him.

There just a couple of bisexuals, prove me wrong.

So we set out into the streets on New York to join the festivities. At one point Thor punched a homophobe who was hassling a group of lesbians. Thanks to twitter mans is now the lesbian protecter. Good job Thor.

Steve was enjoy this way more than I expected. I thought he would curl up in his shell, not take a flag and dance. There's something fruity bout that man I just can't place my finger on it.

The march was something I think everyone enjoyed. We were getting a lot of attention from fellow marchers on why all the Avengers were walking along side of them.

We did actually lose Scott for almost 4 hours whilst marching. He was taken away from us by a group and I don't believe they were planning on returning him.

Bucky had never experienced pride, because he's an old man, he also, like Steve, hates large crowds. I had dragged Steve a few years ago and some what enjoyed it, the big fella doesn't like big crowds.

So when I handed Bucky his baseball bat, he insisted on printing a bunch of pride flags to slick on it. He said when he hit homophobic people it would be 'hitting a bad person with the gayest thing possible'. This mans fruity, like James, come on.

Wanda and I had gone to pride together last year, it was just the two of us, but now it seemed to become a family ordeal. I mean we were featured on the news, met fans (I literally had a meet and greet my life is complete) and we got to celebrate who we are.

I seriously cannot believe that nobody realized I was apart of the alphabet mafia, I went here every year, no matter what movie were watching its always the actress who I say is hot, are they just blind?

Everyone now strongly agrees with going to pride to protect everyone, Nat and Clint made it there job to save people, then they rambled on about Budapest or something. Anyone know what a Budapest is?

It was amazing to have my family at pride, a group of hot head superhero's that save fellow LGBTQIA+  members from homophobic dudes, at least the homophobes only almost died. If Steve had let Nat finish a guy who said a slur to me, he would be in a grave not intensive care.

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