056| Liz

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A while ago, like a few months ago, I was meant to reveal that Tony was my dad to the dudes in my school. Cause there was this gala thing on Saturday and I was meant to have said it to people in school already, I forgot okay, it's not my fault. Now I know what you're thinking, didn't you already do that? Well the rumours were shut down and stuff so I actually had to do all this bullshit myself.

But here's the lesson I learned from all of this, procrastination works, all the time.

It happened in gym, that snarky bitch Liz was chatting to her little group of friends when I overheard the conversation.

"Yeah I'm not supposed to tell you this, but Tony Stark it my dad.." She said, then proceeding to pull a fucking Debbie Ryan, like what the actual fuck.

So, I went over to Peter and Ned who we're on one mat, Wanda and Pietro on the one beside it and told him what to do.

"You may wanna call Tony.." I said.

"What did you do!"

"I didn't do anything, it's what I'm about to do.."

"Do not set another gym teacher on fire, I actually like this one!"

Okay lets be clear, Mr. Dickerson is okay and did not die. But I think I speak for everyone when I say that me setting him on fire for like half a second was great because it got that creep out of here.

"I'm not gonna set Liz on fire!"

"Oh what did she do to you that would make you want to set her on fire?!" Pietro laughed.

"Watch and learn.."

So Peter called Tony, told him to get here as fast as possible as one crispy person was enough. I walked over to Liz, allowing the drama to commence.

"So Liz, I heard you say you were Tony's kid?" I laughed.

"Yeah, why do you care?"

"Oh I was just unaware I had a sister!" 

Now everyone was staring, even out new gym teacher because she knew shit was about to go down.

"Your lying!" She yelled.

Oh baby there's no need to yell.

"Geez you yell like Nat when she's pissed off!"

"I know, I live with the Avengers!"

God, the more lies this bitch tells the worse its gonna look for her when papa Stark walks in.

"Wow! Then why haven't I seen you around the tower?"

"Its a big tower.."

"I mean I know I do live there after all!" I laughed.

"I'll call my Dad, he will come and set the record straight!"

"Oh please, before I decided to publicly humiliate you, I called him"

I could see her getting nervous, her web of lies was breaking. As she said there, sweating it out and debating her entire existence, Tony arrived into the gym.

"Parker, Maximoffs, what did she do know?!" He said, grabbing the rooms attention.

"Hey Tony, did you know I have a sister?" I said, looking to Liz.

"Eh no? Why are we looking to that kid?" He said pointing to Liz.

"Oh cause apparently you're her dad and she lives at the tower!"

"Please, Y/N's my only kid, I've never met that girl before!" He laughed.

Liz was completely mortified, I mean you should think before you speak.

"Come on Y/N, I'm taking you home!" He laughed.

We walked out of the gym and into the empty hallway to leave the school.

"You forgot to tell people, didn't you?"


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