052| The Rock and Rollers

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"So I did a bad thing.."

For once, it wasn't me announcing a stupid decision, it was actually Tony. I say for once because it is literally always me, no questions asked.

"What did you do?!" Nat asked, relax he didn't make an Ultron 2.0, although the chaotic energy that would create would be hilarious.

"You will hear it in about 3, 2-"

Right on command, the sound of an electric guitar could be heard from my bedroom.


"You got Y/N a guitar, an electric guitar?!" Clint yelled.

"Wait why is she good.." Scott said, although nobody listened as to him as they were too pissed off at Tony.

"We you know the way went she gets really anger she either punches someone or throws fire?"

I actually can admit to that, Loki has the bruises to prove it. So does my gym teachers can, but it's a bit too crispy to talk right now.

"Well I thought that she could use a healthy output for her rage" He said, glaring at Steve.

"Are we not gonna talk about how she's actually good?!" Scott yelled, finally getting everyones attention.

My boy Scotties a real one.

"Why is she good?!" Tony yelled back, now this was some cool ass chaos.

Bucky, Tony and Scott arrived up to my room, watching me play, I eventually noticed at turned to see what was happening.

"We didn't know you could do that?!" Tony said, boy did he look stressed out.

"You know like nothing about me, one of my foster mom's was in a rock band and taught me.." I said, bowing to my private audience of just Gus the dog.

"But your amazing, like wow Y/N, can you teach me?!"

"Of course Bucky, I'll teach you soon.."

"Wait, hold up!" Scott yelled, commanding the room.

Everyone focused on him, not making any sudden movements. I knew he was cooking something up, that something being a master game plan.

"We should make a band.."

The man child very rarely had good ideas but this, this was one of them.

"You are brilliant, mind of the century.."

"Nope I can't put up with you bullshit today, I'm out!" Tony said, throwing his hands in the air and leaving my room.

"Wait Scott, what do you play?!"

"Drums and I know Sam can play keyboard if that helps. Carol can sing, like really well, anyone know where she is?"

"She's having hot space sex with Valykrie.." I said, confusing the room.

Because saying that sentence without adding wasn't weird at all.

"How in the hell do you know that?" Bucky said, oh no, other father wasn't impressed.

"She tweeted, 'Sex with Val is good, but in zero gravity it is so much better'"

"Just sounds like Carol.." Bucky said, a little bit grossed out.

We got Sam and began to put in the work and set up a band. I thought Bucky how to play, he already knew how to play a regular guitar so this was going okay. 

"We still need someone to sing and its not like were any good-"

Dear Sam, 

Stop underestimating me, that's Steves job.

-From Y/N.

"I can sing.."

So I did, those angle voice bitches have nothing on me. Eventually we took a break, going for dinner.

"So how's your little band?" Tony said, definitely not expecting much.

"Great" I said back.

"You started a band, what can't you do?" Wanda laughed.

"Probably sing.." Sharon muttered, not impressing Steve.

"Okay you know what-"

I promised myself my life would never become one of those movies where everyone randomly bursts out into song over a minor inconvenience because I know I can't have Zac Efron on stand by, but there was a time and it was now.

The boys knew exactly what was about to go down and followed to begin the song. We were on the make shift stage that Tony used for his party's and were ready to go.

"This one goes out to Carol, have fun with Val!" I cheered before the so began

"Take this pink ribbon off my eyes

I'm exposed and it's no big surprise"

"NO, HANG ON,WOAH!" Pietro yelled, jumping out of his seat.

"Now thats hot.." Wanda muttered, catching Loki's attention.

"Cause I'm just a girl, I'd rather not be

'Cause they won't let me drive late at night
Oh, I'm just a girl, guess I'm some kind of freak"

"My kind of freak.." Wanda muttered again.

"Hey Wands?"

"Hm, yeah Loki?"

"You should stop eyeing up my best friend and just fuck her already.."

"Sh, I'm trying to enjoy the show.."

Now Mrs. Loki, that was bold.

We finished the song and I walked back over to Sharon, placing two hand on the table and leaning over to state my case.

"I don't think what you think, is relevant at all anymore.." I whispered, before taking my seat.

Sharon was so pissed that she up and left the table, Steve following her.

"The amount of power you hold.." Wanda laughed, not losing eye contact and giving me a slight wink.

"I do hope you enjoyed that one Maximoff.." I winked back.

"Hold up, did I miss a chapter or something because what the actual fuck.." Tony said, looking at us both with wide eyes.

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