0129| The Pussy

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I told you that shit was gonna be crazy once Sam and Bucky were tracked down.

"And I said, why didn't he just shoot the tires because then the car won't go-"

As per usual, we were all gathered in the living room, hanging out and spouting some bullshit. That was when bestie FRIDAY interrupted.

"Excuse me, besties-"

"Alright, who programmed FRIDAY to say 'bestie'?!" Tony yelled, looking directly at me.

"Sorry not sorry, bestie" I responded.

"-Sam Wilson and James Barnes are at the gate, shall I let them in?"

Incase you are unaware, we left the boys in Canada over 6 weeks ago. In that space of time, nobody has seen or heard from them. I honestly thought they were dead.

So when two newly bearded men strolled on into the tower, I presumed it was them.

"I fucking expect you to call us,pricks!" I yelled, hopping off the sofa and running over to scream in there faces.

"I missed you too, kid.." Bucky smiled, wrapping his arms around me.

Before I could move to hug Sam, I noticed a ball of white fluff in his hand. I look directly at it, then to Sam, then to Bucky, then back to it.

It was a cat. I don't know why but it was there, but it was there.

"This is Alphine-"

"We have a big ass dog named Gus, why the fuck would you get a pussy?!" I yelled, pointing at the yoke.

"I honestly thought that dog was dead, I haven't seen him in a while.." Sam interrupted.

"That's because Clint stole him to a secret place where his family lives and when another code magenta was called, he fucked off to them too.." I said, staring at the cat.

"Well then I don't think your dog will be an issue-"

The second thing I noticed was the ring. The ring that Sam wore on his finger. The one that only became visible to me when he moved it to stroke his new cat.

"Don't tell me y'all fucking got married and I wasn't invited!" I yelled, now staring directly at the ring.

Apparently that wasn't a known fact to everyone on that Sam was wearing a ring, because literally everyone in the room jumped up to them to see what happened.

"Calm your shit, idiots. We didn't get married because Y/N would slap us both-" Bucky began.

"That I would-"

"-I proposed to Sam like I had been planing on doing for a while when we were lost in Canada.." He finished with a massive smile on his face.

It was still a big thing, my dad was giving me a step dad by the law or something. I mean Steve looked a bit upset, but fuck him, Bucks happy.

Later on, when I final caught a moment alone with Bucky, he asked me something very important.

"Y/N, I've been some what of your father for quite sometime and I want you up there with me.." He smiled while sipping his juice, this how loves his juice.

"Like, there?" I asked in confusion, I'm not really good with the understanding thing.

"Sam suggested this but, I want you to be my Best Bitch, like a best man but I make the role especially for you.." He laughed.

"I except this offer.." I laughed giving him a huge hug.

I mean there was a shit tone of prep to do, lots of Tony's money to spend and and you know the star spangled man got his spangles in a twist more than once. But I was the best bitch, so I will put up with Steve's crap.

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